Cities: Skylines

ติดตามผู้ใช้นี้เพื่อเห็นเมื่อเขาโพสต์คู่มือบน Steam ใหม่ สร้างชุดสะสมใหม่ หรือโพสต์ผลงานในเวิร์กชอปบน Steam

กำลังแสดง 1-8 จาก 8 รายการ
Props for my NZ modified assets
ชุดสะสมโดย AliTarGz
Assets for my new Jennian homes pack
AliTarGz's lowpoly asset collection
ชุดสะสมโดย AliTarGz
Brazilian assets by AliTarGz
ชุดสะสมโดย AliTarGz
This collection about my special assets created from Bastet69 request.
NZ small assets (props and other things)
ชุดสะสมโดย AliTarGz
New Zealand buildings
ชุดสะสมโดย AliTarGz
Hello! This is my big project to create various objects from New Zealand. By subscribing to this collection, you will receive many interesting assets. This collection already contains residential buildings, shops, clinics, fire stations, and other service
Astana city
ชุดสะสมโดย AliTarGz
In this collection you can see all buildings from city - Astana, that I created for Cities Skylines. Collection will be updating in the future :)
Astana. BI City Seoul Residential complex
ชุดสะสมโดย AliTarGz
This collection created for all buildings from BI Citi Seoul Residential complex. P.S. This collection is not yet filled to the end. P.S.S. Two buildings will be added soon... :)
Astana. 7F Residential complex
ชุดสะสมโดย AliTarGz
I have made this collection that it was easy to add all constructions from a residential complex 7F. This collection consists from: 7 buildings and 2 parks.
ต่อหน้า: 9 18 30