✪About me✪:
Country:Russia Federation
Nickname:Ozi Life
Real name:Peter
My VK:

Resolution: 16:9 / 1280x720
Monitor Refresh Rate: 60hz
Ingame Sensitivity: 1.7
Mouse Hz: 1000
Mouse DPI: 400
Windows Sensitivity: 6
Crosshair Size: size 3, style 4, gap -1,dot 0,yellow
Hands: Right hand weapon.

Mice:SteelSeries Zowie [ZA12].
Palas:SteelSeries Qck+ [NAVI EDITION].

Gtx 980 ti.
i7 4790k.
SSD 240GB.

1) Guys = posani / cherti / yebki
2) You won the round / good situation / good team - zabis' posani
3) If your teammate did something wrong say - ty dalbaeb blyad?
4) If your teammate did something good - harosh/krasava/luchshiy + SUKA
5) If you won clutch round - sosat mrazi!
6) Lets rush b - fast b blyad(same for other rush ways)
7) If something went wrong - pizdec blyad!
8) Give drop (politely) - dai drop plz/dropani plz
9) Give drop (rude) - suka drop day dolboeb
10) I'm going to save - ja seivit
11) If someone in other team plays good - nice hax/idi naxyi/pizdun ebany/che eto bilo/suka
12) Go eco guys, lets win next round with guns - eco , next ochko porvem
13) When you win - izi katka/gg izi/bichi ebanie
14) I'm from russia - ya russkij
15) American - Pendosi ebanie
16) If you want to kick someone - kickaite etogo huesosa nahui
17) If teammates are thinking that you are bad - blya pasani "lagi"/"fps ebani"/internet ssaniy"/"suka" + PIZDEC
18) Polish = kurwа ja perdole+ suka,nahui/ect
19) If someone plays better than u - idi nahui pizdun ebaniy
20) Good moment - pizdato/zaebis posani
21) U just killed an enemy , who irritated you - poluchi pizdy suka mraz
22) Someone scared you - ebaniy v rot/eb tvou mat!
23) You just want to express emotions:suka zalupa ebanaya idi nahuy pidor ebaniy suka v rot tebya ebal i vsu tvou semiy shluha konchennaya mraz vonuchaya

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MONSUN 6 Aug, 2017 @ 3:06pm 
this guy is so bad at cs
nasway 6 Aug, 2017 @ 6:42am 
ДИМОООН 6 Aug, 2017 @ 6:12am 
Whoru.? 17 Apr, 2017 @ 12:20pm 
Сын собаки мать твою мертвую ибалл
shadoweyt 8 Apr, 2017 @ 2:12pm 
Dolphy 4 Apr, 2017 @ 9:25am 
♥♥♥♥♥♥ нытик