MC Dairy
Darien   Canada
Sometimes, the road forks before the asphalt's laid, know what I'm saying?
You're at a crossroads, you know, and you gotta... make a decision without any concrete idea of the consequences of said decision.
Gotta pave your own destiny.
But it ain't a rock garden out there, kid!
Every step forward you take, you leave foot prints behind ya, know'm saying?
But that's OK, nothin' wrong with that.
'Cause sometimes, in life, you gotta crawl!
But that's OK too, nothin' wrong with hand prints either.
Life don't have to be a circus act.
But it can be.
Handstand your way to the top is what I'm trying to say, kid.
Know'm saying?
Hey, why you looking like the world's gonna burn?
Rise from the ashes and wake up from this dream, 'cause life's a dream, you know.
Better stay quiet, kid.
Big guy up there, he wakes up, we done for.
Know'm sayin'?!
But we ain't got time for worryin'.
What good would that bring?
T'would be like... swallowing poison.
Say I was on an airplane.
Am I gon' worry about crashing for the whole flight?
Know why?
I'll tell you why.
It'd just be out of my control.
I've got no say in the matter.
Just like my say in life.
Like I said before: sometimes, the road utensils before the asphalt's laid.
Don't matter if it be forks, spoons, sporks, kid.
Nom' sayin'?!