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42.6 h registradas (0.5 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Dragonball is the ultimate Anime show.
This game will relive 36 years of memories from the show. I cannot wait to play this for endless amounts of hours.
Recommend to any fans of the show and manga
Publicada el 16 de enero de 2020. Última edición: 20 de enero de 2020.
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18.6 h registradas (16.5 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Gears 5 is NOT a bad game.

Compared to original 3, it is a terrible game.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JalWT8oNxhk - This video sums the game up compared to Gears 2 and it has shocked me how much they have downgraded a majority of the assets for the game.

I got the Ultimate Edition for £69.99 and I played a few days before and it wasn't bad. There were a few connection errors but I'll allow it as its the first time its on Steam and servers and ♥♥♥♥. It also never recorder my progress through the campaign such as collectables and never updated my level for a few days. So I was stuck at level 2 for a few days - It is all sorted now and is updating perfectly.

There's a lot of comedy throughout this game which is real fun as a lot of comedy in games seems dry, only game that really does it for me is the Borderlands series but if this is going to happen throughout Gears now, I won't complain.

The graphics are beautiful, I'm running the game on High and it is amazing. Although the Microsoft Team have made the game look prettier, it seems they forgotten to add the substance to the environment and its just an empty shell.

The campaign a lot of fun too, no where near as thrilling and entertaining as the original stories but its a lot of fun and definitely worth the price, especially with the new game modes and the amount of time you can put in on the multiplayer.

Definitely give the worth
Publicada el 10 de septiembre de 2019.
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11.5 h registradas (0.4 h cuando escribió la reseña)
its good
Publicada el 29 de junio de 2019.
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0.7 h registradas

A horror game with many twists and nightmares ahead. It uses the Unreal engine and makes it very atmospheric with the design on the game. A puzzling story which will take a twisted mind to get..

  • Game designed with the Unreal 4 engine which gave the game a good look to it, by having high resolution textures. The lighting and shadow effects are absolutely fantastic too. 2 Screenshots are attached below to give a few examples.
  • Actually scary, there were images flashing on the screen of twisted souls and dolls which gave me a spook. They are unexpected and I thoroughly enjoy this about a horror game. In addition to this, there was a room that randomly had arms pop out from the walls and this really freaked me out a lot.
  • Small puzzles such as collecting the keys and finding the secret passage, having these challenges

  • NO EPILEPSY WARNING! Can be dangerous for people who have epilepsy as there is a hallway which has flashing lights and can cause damage.
  • When you go into the library for the first time, the white noise is so annoying and can cause people to stop playing, it does not help that you cannot change the volume in the game.
  • The werewolf outside the house got glitched and it was just running into me, furthermore it has annoying cry which is off putting.
  • Enemies just vanish after you kill the with a revolver, takes away from the horror aspect if they just vanish.
  • Cannot shoot the enemies when they’re close to you
  • Floating objects such as this pipe in this screenshot. Doesn’t seem intended but little mishaps like this are scattered around the game.
  • When I was in the library, my FPS was getting as low as 20fps, this is not acceptable as I had a constant 20fps through the library section and my PC is pretty powerful too, so if a GTX1070 can get 20fps, then I do not dare to think of what other people get.

What could be improved upon?
  • “Penetrate the house”? That’s an odd phrase, should probably be more like ‘Enter the house’.
  • Fix some of the noise issues surrounding the enemies.
  • Fix the textures of some of the items in the game as they can be broken, such as the blood overlapping with eachother and coming in and out of focus at times.
  • Optimise the area known as the library for people who have less powerful PCs and cannot handle the sheer unoptimised rooms.

The game gave me some good spooks. I never really understood the story as it was not clear to me at all, throughout the game. The graphics were great but the lack of effort of polishing the game before the release and put me off of playing this game any further. So I do not recommend this game.

Please tell me what you liked / disliked about this review and I will use the feedback to improve my reviews for future games.

This review was submitted for Gaming Until End, through the generous contribution of HellCow.
Publicada el 16 de noviembre de 2017. Última edición: 29 de junio de 2019.
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0.2 h registradas
“Glow Ball” - The billiard puzzle game

A simplistic puzzle game where you must knock a certain amount of balls into some holes to proceed onto the next level.

  • First of all, the music is very calming and soothing. So when playing this game you are able to relax to the sound of calming music.
  • Allows for a few options, such as resolutions, sound and even Vsync.
  • The glowing effect around the balls and the holes is a really cool idea to have as it is aesthetically pleasing to look at.
  • Steam cards are in this game, allowing players to obtain these cards and get steam badges for this game.
  • Cool level designs which are complex at times, this would be challenging the players at their levels.

  • The menu has low resolution text, so it looks like the text was took as an image and it had low dpi so therefore it was more pixelated.
  • No mouse controls so it can be very inaccurate when aiming the ball to hit the other balls, this will cause some players to leave as they cannot be as accurate as they want and therefore get angry when they cannot beat a certain level.
  • When tabbed out of the game, tabbing back in seems to crash the game. Therefore has a possibility to lose progress in a certain level and have to start over.
  • The game does not seem very accurate and seems to be more luck when aiming. This could be improved with mouse control as mentioned.

What could be improved upon?
  • Add mouse control, this would make the game so much more enjoyable as
  • Could be a wider range of options.
  • Improve the resolution of the menu screens, this would make the game more appealing from the start.
  • A level selection menu would improve the game as you could select certain levels to play and see which levels you have completed.

I did not enjoy this game at all, the only thing I liked about this game was the glowing effect which did get boring very quickly. There are a lot more puzzle games in this category that are a lot better.

Please tell me what you liked / disliked about this review and I will use the feedback to improve my reviews for future games.

This review was submitted for Gaming Until End, through the generous contribution of HellCow.
Publicada el 15 de noviembre de 2017. Última edición: 15 de noviembre de 2017.
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0.8 h registradas
Cyborg Invasion Shooter

A game with a poor title, but straight to the point.
This game is a 3rd person shooter where you have 9 levels to chose from and you must make it to the end of the level to proceed to the next. On the way to the end of the level, you will face many different types of cyborgs. Such as ground enemies and flying ones which you will need to take different approached to defeat.

  • Opens with a great menu screen that is really interactive and is really easy to use for any basic gamers.
  • The movement of the character is extremely fluid and can move very well, this is something not many indie games can master but this is great animation.
  • Graphics are probably the best feature of this game, although some downfall in certain areas. The game is aesthetically pleasing to look at while playing.
  • The character is in the center of the screen and does not take up too much room and this is perfect for a 3rd person shooter as you, the player will want to see as much as possible.
  • Levels are short and this can be enjoyable to a variant amount of players.
  • There are 4 different weapons; there are 2 pistols, a rifle and lastly a shotgun. This can improve the gameplay as you can approach enemies in different ways.
  • A fair amount of levels, I believe more should be added as there isn’t much content in a majority of the levels.
  • Great features in the game such as gravity pads, although they aren't used to their full potential. It is a great step in the right direction of using cool features like this in order to complete levels.

  • No option to turn down volume which is an annoyance as for anyone who has an issue with sound will need to tab out of the game to turn the sound down.
  • The menu to ‘next level’ is absolutely disgusting to look at and could be improved upon to look a lot better.
  • On level 2, I encountered a bug where if you run at the walls, you can go through them, you cannot go back through them and this can be overlooked quite easily.
  • No way of pausing the game, incase you needed to do something in between the level.
  • The loading screen is really dull and is not good to look at.
  • The objective of the game is to reach the end of the levels, but there are no requirements so you are able to run past all of the enemies and avoid coming into contact with them to finish the level. An improvement for this would be to have a certain requirement for each of the levels in order for them to be completed.
  • When you kill an enemy and then you get yourself killed, the enemies you previously killed will stay dead an this doesn’t pose a challenge to the player, whereas I believe the enemies should respawn when you die to increase the difficulty of making it to the end of level.
  • There is something seriously wrong with the animation of climbing ladders, it looks absurd. This is something that should be fixed to look a lot better, because it looks like a joke.

I would not recommend this game in it’s current state. There are bugs and the gameplay isn’t fun at all, I can see where the game wants to be and sadly it is not there yet. With some polishing and additional content, I will retry this game and see where it goes from there.

Please tell me what you liked / disliked about this review and I will use the feedback to improve my reviews for future games.

This review was submitted for Gaming Until End, through the generous contribution of HellCow.
Publicada el 15 de noviembre de 2017. Última edición: 15 de noviembre de 2017.
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0.6 h registradas

Aztecalypse is a zombie action game where you the player need to travel through unkown territory that is surrounded in ancient temples.

  • Offers 3 graphics settings, although I think High graphics looks worse than Medium. But it doesn't matter. At least a small game such as this one offers these kind of settings.
  • Has a very simplistic story (Could be worked upon).
  • A small open world, so you can explore to your hearts content, although there isn't much to see.
  • Two types of weapons can be picked up (Melee and Range).
  • Has Steam trading cards, which can be collected for badges.

  • First of all, the loading time is atrocious, it takes this long to load a game this basic?
  • No voice acting, when you the player speak to the 'Zombie' it's just text on a screen, it would be more enthralling to the player to know the persons voice.
  • You can find guns such as a Rifle and a Pistol in the camp you first come to, but you cannot pick them up because "You are a peaceful person", yet you can take a knife and start cutting at zombies. Kind of contradicting itself.
  • You can clip through trees and cactuses and possibly other stuff. If these objects got made into a solid object, it would be better because you don't get a sense of realism when you can walk through things.
  • Story was boring and didn't make sense, this is something which could be worked upon to make the game more appealing to the players.
  • When you get hit, you get a red screen which is a generic feature when you have been hit. But when you do, it gets a lot brighter and you can see everything, without using your flashlight which kind of defeats the purpose of the game.
  • You are not able to change your weapons, so you start off with a knife and later find a slingshot, but you cannot switch. For a specific situation, this would have been good.
  • There is a note infront a skull when you cross a bridge on the right hand side. I wanted to read this note, but unfortunately I could not.
  • Following on from the last point, the skull which the note is infront of, if you try and crouch through it's mouth, I actually got 20FPS which is not good.
  • Shortly after I got the slingshot, I fell into a hole with some water and I could not get out of it, maybe a good improvement for this, is to not make the holes too deep, but deep enough so you can jump out.
  • When you look out over the distance of the water, you can see floating temples. Obviously the ground had not loaded in yet.

If the developer works on a lot of these bugs and adds a feasible storyline, then this game would be worth the 0.79GBP, maybe even more. I hope the developer can look at these issues with the game and iron them out for a more polished game. But in it's current state, I cannot recommend this game.

This review was submitted for Gaming Until End, through the generous contribution of HellCow.
Publicada el 7 de noviembre de 2017. Última edición: 7 de noviembre de 2017.
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0.6 h registradas (0.3 h cuando escribió la reseña)

A 2D shoot 'Em Up game where boar cyborgs have attacked Earth.

  • An interesting concept that could have been implemented in a different way.
  • Boss fights are unique and show signs of promise.
  • Upgrades can be found from defeating enemies, furthmore you can find health off of enemies once they die too.
  • There are achievements implemented in for this game and they are very easy to get, you will get them all when you beat the game which would not take long at all.

  • Very repetitive with what you have to do which can easily put the player off.
  • You can hit the enemies while they are behind cover so they don't really pose a threat when they hide.
  • The Worlds are not labeled so you cannot see how many levles are in a worl (There are 5 levels per world). So not much content either.
  • The price of the game does not reflect well on the content you get from it as there is not much, but more of the same.
  • There is no main menu, no controls or anything. It just throws you straight in to the level selection screen.

For the price, the game is not worth it, maybe for 0.79GBP or 0.99GBP. But it feels like a phone game. In addition to this, it doesn't seem like much thought was put into the level design and it's just too short. I'm really disappointed in this game.

This review was submitted for Gaming Until End, through the generous contribution of HellCow.
Publicada el 7 de noviembre de 2017.
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1.1 h registradas
One Strike

One strike is a 2D 8-bit Fighting game and it follows the foundation of a lot of earlier fighting games. Although I like the artstyle they have gone for, I much prefer an artstyle such as Streetfighter 2.
The concept of ‘One Strike’ is that if you are struck once, you’re out.
An update came out today (7th November 2017) which fixed a lot of bugs I had before the update, so good on the developers for sorting some issues out as soon as possible.

  • Character selection is good, there are six characters to chose from, each character has their own weapon and their own skills which can be used for a different play style when you’re facing the opponent, making the game have a lot of replay value.
  • 4 different difficulties (Easy, Medium, Hard and Very Hard), making the A.I of the other player a lot smarter so therefore you have to adapt to the enemy and their playstyle in order to win.
  • There are 4 game modes for ’Single Player which are very fun in their own right and can add a lot of content for the players.
  • Multiple areas in which you can fight in, giving a nice aesthetic environment every time.
  • The concept of getting struck once and you’re out is fascinating, makes it that more tense and forces you to become better at the game.
  • Versus mode that allows you to play with a friend and fight one another to come out victorious to bring in that competitive edge.
  • When selecting the characters, they have their 2D pixel blank face and then they have their artwork on the left hand side which are well drawn for each character and you can tell what kind of character they are just by the image.
  • Using a gamepad has made the controls feel a lot smoother and a lot more fluid when I am facing my opponents. It worked for my XboxOne controller, not sure on the Xbox360 controller.

Anything with a strike through it means the developer has dealt with the issue.
  • Seems to be an issue when you want ’Revenge’ as the button not seem to work, I clicked it multiple times but it didn’t do anything and this caused me to go back to the character selection.
  • In the tournament game mode, you are made to watch the ‘COMP’ fight and this is very boring without an option to skip that fight.
  • Also in the tournament game mode, at the last fight, it had gotten the faces wrong when it was saying who was in the final. So this could be an issue which could be fixed.
  • The font is extremely hard to read, I could barely read the names of the characters you could select.
  • Sometimes the music would start over when I chose a specific game mode which was unexpected as I thought it would carry on.
  • Steam achievements do not unlock, this could be a problem for people who go for achievements and want game completion.

For the price of £3.99, it's definitely worth buying. I'm sure to get more hours out of this game as I feel like it has challenged me to beat it on the hardest difficulty and it is a lot of fun.

This review was submitted for Gaming Until End, through the generous contribution of HellCow.
Publicada el 7 de noviembre de 2017. Última edición: 7 de noviembre de 2017.
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