United Kingdom (Great Britain)
pierced from within

A vision of life
Where together we walk
Unbound from an existence
Of fear and pain

The key to which
Is self-contained
External freedom
Must evolve from liberation within

To gain respect
And see the qualities in all life
Forms the spark
Which strikes the light

When so minimal the loss
How great be the risk
In reaching out and reclaiming our souls?

But until we overcome
The uncertainty in our fellow man
The vision of hope
Remains an illusion
[Napalm Death - Uncertainty Blurs The Vision]

"You reach out and touch it. You feel it.
It is the life and love that is alive in you.
The feeling that is beyond thought
A feeling of truth.
Reality in you,
When it is reached, you can reach it in others.
This is the liberation. This is the unity."
[Rudimentary Peni, 1983]
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Maximus OverDrive 8. Dez. 2023 um 13:48 
Gordon Freeman 10. Nov. 2023 um 12:04 
+rep had a nice sandvich with him
Swedish Crowbar 6. Okt. 2023 um 9:01 
Nice guy!
16*29 24. Sep. 2023 um 10:28 
+rep awesome med, sorry haha :sleepyjill:
Nathan 18. Nov. 2022 um 19:07 
Matthew 7:15-20

15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
V3nyl 18. Nov. 2022 um 3:20 
To whoever reads this, May God Bless you, I am going to share to you today the good news, Do you know there is a heaven and hell? The bible teaches us the way to be let in heaven is by being born again, which how we can be born again is through repentance (letting go of our sins and trusting in The Lord Jesus Christ) for we have all fallen to sins that could be adultery, fornication, stealing, lying and or blaspheming the lord's name which are very serious sins punishable by death (Hell) in the old testament. However God has sent his son Jesus Christ in that cross to die for our sins and resurrect in the 3rd day so when we repent (let go of our sins) and trust in Jesus than we will be saved. For in the bible Matthew 10:28 summarizes, Do not fear those who kill the body but rather fear the One (God) who can destroy both soul and body in Hell. I hope that you will think about this, its very serious its your eternal life that could be at stake. May the Lord bless you.