Glitch 10/fev./2022 às 6:53 
i wonder how your doing man, not sure if you remember me but i sure remember you, i hope your doing well
Snake 24/jan./2018 às 13:07 
Trade Your Cases For Keys (4 x 1 rate) {LINK REMOVIDO}
Dhaughnee 8/jun./2016 às 23:24 
Spooky 8/jun./2016 às 22:54 
Ikr lol
Dhaughnee 8/jun./2016 às 21:33 
We are here today to say our thanks to base for his friendship and well horrible spelling. Even though me, Enderius, and probably many more called him a fish, We are here to celebrate the friendship of basecannon123. He has a new steam profile but most people do not know the name of it. To our great friend Base - Death A.K.A Daedra
Dhaughnee 7/jun./2016 às 22:06 