California, United States
🤘 °M°U°T°E °T°O°X°I°C° & °E°N°J°O°Y D°O°T°A° 🤘
현재 오프라인
ALEXBRO 2024년 10월 27일 오전 8시 10분 
You were cruel to me, although there was no reason for it. I missed with a hook and didn't play very well against you. you, in turn, played 9 thousand hours and mocked me, writing in the chat that I was incompetent, and called me the whole gang. I have only 200 hours of gaming experience. It was low to mock me.
aeia 2024년 5월 6일 오전 4시 39분 
francis the panyawan!
♀Darkterror♀ 2023년 12월 22일 오전 7시 27분 
good trader +rep