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Recenzii recente de 陳軻

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222.6 ore înregistrate (151.7 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
How to make a fun TD game :
1. Allow for towers to overlap their range quite a lot ( Most other TD's dont let you overlap towers to the extent BTD 6 does, not even close. )
2. Have upgrades for all phases of a game
3. Actually be flexible in what you can use as opposed to other TD's like Kingdom rush that lock you into using specific towers, on corner heavy maps you can use the tack shooters or tier 5 glaive, or even just Sauda. On straight line maps you can spam heavy pierce towers or the dartling gunners.
4. Instead of the traditional "Ground/Air"enemies system, BTD 6 has a much more nuanced system which can be circumvented by a multitude of different solutions, need camo detection? You can use Etienne to get global camo at level 8, A monkey village, or just use towers that have built in camo detection.
5. Farming.
Postat 11 aprilie 2022.
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Nothing beats the sound of any engine roaring in this game.
Hands down better experience than NFS but it loses a bit in the actual racing / track experience and also there isnt nitrous. Other than that, doesn't change that this game isn't from EA.
Postat 7 aprilie 2021.
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The epitome of freedom and "Absolute-I-do-not-give-a-♥♥♥♥♥♥♥"
10/10 IGN
Postat 26 martie 2021.
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531.8 ore înregistrate (262.4 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Ahhhh, warframe.
Genre defining games like TF2, CS:GO are genre defining for a reason, so is warframe but for a more specific reason.
This game is really ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hardcore, 10/10.

What? You thought I was going to talk about warframe more? Sure, I guess, but hold on tight because I'm showering as I use my phone in a sandwich bag so my shower thoughts passive activates.

So what is warframe known for? CS:GO is known for its somewhat middling depth of mastery and mainly consists of moving statues trying to shoot down ISIS Olympic graduates carrying a mini nuke that detonates 40 seconds after activation. TF2 is known for 8 white and 1 black maniacs whomst are men partake in killing each other different ways, but are not limited to : Portraying ISIS suicide bombers, quake players, pee induced injections, involuntary blood donation via a syringe-saw and best of all, a stab in the back, LITERALLY.

Warframe is known for its MMO looter shooter mechanics with obscenely broken level scaling of either enemies of abilities of warframes, grinding comparable to that of using sandpaper trying to remove skin the area of your blood vessels squared by the surface area of earth, ASS well as visually arousing robotic suits,ones called "Saryn","Nyx" and so forth.
Note : Female warframes are definitely visually more arousing in their Prime forms, so is in the case of Equinox and Mesa, but there is one exception and I'm definitely getting ♥♥♥♥ for this, but he'll is Nova Prime uglier than the asscrack of the Belgian health minister.
Postat 11 aprilie 2019.
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Discord is full of people berating you when you say why you refunded the game,just makes me not want to play this even more honestly. But not all of them are bad,in fact some are out to help as well.

Gameplay's solid for singleplayer,nothing really wrong aside from drones getting caught in corners occasionally,but TL;DR
the game is basically a thirdperson shooter with INSTEAD of different weapons,you have different items that affect your damage output,survivability,utility ( e.g. movement speed increase,ally healing etc. ) and mobility.

Game has 5/6 characters ( I didn't pay that much attention to the loading character screen because I just wanted to play. )
as of writing this review,and they all work pretty much how their character sounds like.
The one;'s Ive used most so far are Commando and Hunter.

This game is a bit like a shooting-cookie clicker in the sense that every future run you make is probably going to be much better unless RNG has a knack for really wanting you to fail. ( i.e. getting the same unstackable item over and over again,I'm looking at you warbanner -_- ) But in short,this game has a chunk of luck needed to be "successful".

Movement is pretty decent,nothing too special or bad,just something you'd expect from a game like this. However one feedback that might help is the customization of crosshair colour,with there being SO MUCH going on in the later stages its very hard to keep track of the paper thin crosshair at times.

Multiplayer is somewhat annoying if not just bad,plays like single player but it scales up with how many people you play with. Looting is also annoying as there can always be that one guy that just snags everything up and refuses to share,making the game pretty annoying. One possible option would be to make it so every chest has its own individual loot for different people,making sharing pointless so nobody feels left out c:

Other than these,the game's still in early access so don't expect too much from it just yet. But I'm still refunding until they make multiplayer less sour to play :T
Postat 1 aprilie 2019.
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6,342.0 ore înregistrate (269.8 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Recenzie CS:GO
Played it a bit.
Postat 27 septembrie 2016. Editat ultima dată 5 iulie 2019.
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20.6 ore înregistrate (12.7 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
This game needs updates and new guns,Im tired of using the yellowboy >.> but nonetheless this game is perfecto.
Friendly community:Check.
Hilarious graphics: Check.
Easy to play? : I could score headshots with the yellowboy carbine from afar in less than an hour,pretty much generic.
Wide variety of weapons?: I wish.
Postat 7 februarie 2016.
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5,931.1 ore înregistrate (4,375.3 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Well. Editing my review.

Started playing this when the EOTL update first came out and we all know what happened ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
Anyways,jokes aside this game has quite a lot going for it.

First of all,classes and the TYPES of players are easily identified due to how each class stands out,for example,the heavy is a slow yet big as ♥♥♥♥ target running around the map eating up rockets and pills just so his team doesn't have to,while on the opposite side of the spectrum,we have the scout running around like some kid with a sugar rush holding a shotgun and screaming insults like some sort of underage wife beater.

What also has occured to me is that,the cosmetics that come along ALSO gives off a feeling about whether a player is good or not,for the ones that stand out A LOT like the Anger for sniper, Delinquent's Down Vest just pretty much makes everyone think you're an obnoxious,edgy kid who thinks having more edges than a razorblade is a good thing.
And also every playstyle has a counter to it,even if the counter is very oddly specific,unless it's 6 engineers on the last point of every payload map ever with a butt ton of pyros binding +attack near a dispenser so basically nothing can go through.

And,while this game may seem old and because it's meant to seeing how it was based on the 1940's,the art is seemingly unique for it's genre of games,where everyone else is futuristic and good-looking,TF2 more or less just sits in the middle when it comes to graphics and looks,focusing more on customization and playstyles of the game.

Last but not least,the "skill curve" or basically the WILDLY VARYING SKILL LEVEL OF EACH PLAYER YOU MEET IN THE GAME. I can't tell you how many times I just come back home,emotionally exhausted,sit my ass down on an office wheel chair and just stomp a couple games before being stomped myself by a competitive player ( Yes,I am a publord,but that's only because I have no time to practice normally and just only want to play pubs because it's way more fun doing it than practicing to do it,it's like earning money,would you rather directly earn it OR would you PRACTICE to earn it? *cough cough* studying *cough cough*.

But anyway,what TF2 has that other "hero shooters" dont have that are popular right now is the level of customization,it is LITERALLY a cosplay simulator at this point,you can be Dr.Seuss's Cat in the Hat,Big boss from metal gear or Revolver Ocelot,you can be a jihadist,persian warrior,edgy-looking scrubs with black paints so you look like some random Gothic-suicidal wimpy human being,a "Baker boy",a 40's street thug,A edgy looking viking with a bandana,some people going on a trip to the local beach,mafia members,a hitman,a vietnam-war veteran,people with a mental disease called "furry" and dress up as ponies or some other random animal with fur,a "weaboo" of some sort which just basically means that they dress up as a japanese culture related being like a demon with a straw hat or if you're rich enough,a magical reindeer with powers to control 2 different forms of fire over your head but it wont hurt the enemy if they stand on it or the ability to shine so bright even god would mistake you for an angel. Sure,cosmetics may not be new ways to play the game,but it's a new way to express yourself,you can be serious,edgy,gothic,furry,memey,funny,chill-ish,meh-ish or just whatever you want to be.
( But seriously though,the ability to dressup as a viking outfit with a bright green helmet and a golden rocket launcher ALREADY speaks how customizable you are in this game,and people say skins are nice :p)( Yes,I know it's australium but this is just for people who don't know crap about the game yet,and this IS a review so I have to assume everyone is an idiot about this game.)

Lastly,with mentioning about the high skill curve,the game has MANY hidden mechanics people have yet to take advantage of even after 10 years into the game.
For example,most people think of the demo not being able to jump really high into the air even with a grenade launcher,but OH boy were they proven wrong when EOTL came out. The Iron bomber for one,with the slow ass roller speed allows you to use the rolled grenades as sub-stickies to explosive-jump,which in turn CAN surprise most people as it's more of a gimmick to learn,but not really what most people would consider something to learn,so it's just tossed out the window. The second example would be "air strafing" which is the ability to change directions mid-air by using the appropiate move keys and using the mouse to move in the direction you wish to,like strafing right would mean pressing D and looking towards the right.

Just a couple of tips before I end this review,if you REALLY hate pubbing against that one soldier main who constantly ♥♥♥♥♥ on your team,do your team a favour if you're good at "Demo-knight" * Basically a sub-class of demoman where you equip a pair of boots of some kind,a shield and a melee weapon.* Equip whatever primary you wish,a shield that isnt the tide turner,and the Ullapool Caber. For those muselk fans out there,what he did NOT tell you when he made the episode explaining how broken the old Loch n load and Ullapool Caber used to be,is that the Ullapool caber can still be Crit-Charged,or basically can deal critical hits IF you are :
1. Near the end of a shield charge that isn't the Tide turner
2.A medic with a Kritzkrieg decides you're good enough to be using his 100% critical hit-hose.
In which case you will do around 400 damage in a small area with the caber.
I repeat,you have the ability to do 400 DAMAGE AT ANYTIME YOU WANT SO LONG AS YOU CAN DEMOKNIGHT.

Do me proud,my fellow caber knights.

p.s. Thank me when you kill that annoying soldier main who always ♥♥♥♥♥ on you :D
p.s. And yes,I don't use the stickybomb launcher in casual,that doesn;t mean I'm not annoying to play against though. Xd
Postat 22 ianuarie 2016. Editat ultima dată 10 februarie 2018.
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