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总时数 36.4 小时 (评测时 19.8 小时)
发布于 2020 年 12 月 10 日。
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有 8 人觉得这篇评测有价值
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总时数 1,162.7 小时 (评测时 90.1 小时)
space is coooooooooooooool
发布于 2020 年 8 月 7 日。
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总时数 0.4 小时 (评测时 0.2 小时)
The game hasnt been updated since feb of 2021, it is unpolished. do not play this
发布于 2020 年 1 月 20 日。 最后编辑于 2022 年 7 月 19 日。
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总时数 1,093.0 小时 (评测时 692.9 小时)
it alright
发布于 2019 年 11 月 25 日。 最后编辑于 2024 年 2 月 12 日。
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总时数 1,143.5 小时 (评测时 115.0 小时)
pretty good @ 100 hours
edit: still pretty good @ 900 hours. Have more mods now
发布于 2019 年 11 月 21 日。 最后编辑于 2021 年 1 月 31 日。
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总时数 1,780.7 小时 (评测时 567.6 小时)
Just played a little.

I now know the basics of thermodynamics
发布于 2019 年 11 月 1 日。
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总时数 4.3 小时 (评测时 2.2 小时)
Reminds me of a.. of a time I was speaking to my good friend Orville. We were... we were sitting on a park bench watching the pigeons. I was on the left, he was on the... oh wait. Was I on the right?.. or left? Anyways, it doesn't matter. We were sitting on there, watching the pigeons, and I.. uh.. I said to Orville:

"Friend, those birds are frozen!"

He... kinda looked at me like I'd lost my mind. But I reminded him that it was winter, y'know? And often birds will sit in a tree until they'd freeze... Then they'd, they'd, you know, sort of fall to the ground until the sun warms up, an- and they can, y'know, move around again.

So I said to Orville "You'd might as well save those breadcrumbs until the birds thaw, because they can't very well enjoy them in the condition they're in."

To which he asked what I meant, and asking what condition the crumbs should be in before he threw them to the birds, assuming that I had meant the birds couldn't enjoy the breadcrumbs in the condition that the crumbs were in, when in fact I had meant the birds couldn't enjoy them in the condition that the birds were in, considering the birds were frozen, y'know?

So he took a moment and then threw his last handful onto the ground. I said to him "Orville, why did you throw the breadcrumbs to the birds when I just told you they're frozen?"

To which he responded "The breadcrumbs are not frozen," again misunderstanding my words. I didn't mean to say that the breadcrumbs were frozen when I told you they're frozen. I've been referring to the birds.

You know, in hindsight, what I - what I should've said was - and this would make perfect sense: "Why did you throw the breadcrumbs to the birds when the birds are frozen?"

He misunderstood upon my correction, stating that he didn't know what else to do with the breadcrumbs, and that perhaps, y'know, when the birds thawed they'd still be able to eat the crumbs.

So I...I..I said to Orville - I said - This is what I said to him - I said:

"Orville, the birds may be dead."
发布于 2019 年 6 月 29 日。
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有 1 人觉得这篇评测很欢乐
总时数 68.1 小时 (评测时 30.4 小时)
This game is awsome.
but I would like to go to penguin mars.
penguin elon musk.

发布于 2019 年 5 月 4 日。
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总时数 82.9 小时 (评测时 62.5 小时)
A very fun game, if you like open world and a great story, buy this game.

More in depth in below (no pun intended ;) )

Subnautica is a wonderful game, with a great story, plot, mechanics, and overall wonderful, however, there are some downsides, and i'll go deeper ;) into the upsides.

For one, this game does not seem to sync well with multiple devices, I have not really tried to sync up with the steam cloud, and also have not really tried all that hard, so I can't say for sure how well it does, but in my general experience it does not work very well. I have had a recent problem with my save file being overwritten by a 2015 save file, maybe because of a steam cloud sync gone wrong? Who knows. From somebody who has played this game three different times over three computers and just started a new save file on the "final" playthrough, I have to say that is the most disapointed I have ever been in terms of this game. When I bought this game, in early accses o' so many years ago, it was buggy, filled with glitches, and generally unplayable at my at the time crappy laptop. Since then, I have played it on increasingly better computers, and it has become a stable game, with the occasional glitch here and there but overall one of the greatest shifts I have seen in a game from it's early acsess release to today. It's core mechanics are wonderful, but there are some flaws which I hope to see fixed in Below Zero, although i'll touch on that later. Some flaws are the *almost* grindy exploration, which is the core aspect of the game but almost gets to grindy in places, and I do wish that there were either cheaper ways to set beacons or a more throrough or larger scanner room, but it never got to a point where I specifically wanted to just cheat in items, although at some points in some hard-to-reach areas I felt the need as I mostly had the materials yet I just didn't want to treck all the way back home thousands of meters away. It is on the verge with being grindy for me but still is very much playable and the sense of progression is pure and rewarding, each new item picked up allowing you to say: "Oh! I can craft X now so I can do Y so I can get Z so I can do etc, etc, etc." I am still salty about my save being corrupted, and if I was still playing a no-cheat survival run I might've actually went all the way back to base to grab materials. At times the world can be very confusing and hard to navigate, but the secret coords system and the wiki can help if you just want to get to a place but not nescessaridly cheat. The world is vivid, has beautiful creatures, a dense eco-system, slightly meh AI but if you look past the kinks it is a wonderfull world to explore.

Now onto playing the game.

This game is scary, it's one of those games you get lost in and the lack of bugs and glitches in the newest version make the immersion so realistic it's scary. The stories you get from PDA logs with real human voices add so much, and the fact there is only one human in the entire world, you, makes it all the more empty, vast, and dangerous, leading to such a feeling of being in an alien world you genuienly don't notice time pass IRL. Sometimes I like to have youtube play in the background, and I will find myself pausing the video, going back to subnautica and forgetting about unpausing the video because I just love the game so damn much. The immersion is startling, and all of this is just with a standard monitor and computer, I can't begin to think how this world play out in VR. Be warned however, this game is a horror game. Its probably the scariest game i've ever played, though after awhile you begin to know the monsters and feel less afraid, and the fear of the unknown sinks away so cleanly it's beautiful. You are a traveler on an alien planet with no idea what lurks in the bottom off that deep, deep, ocean. You look and see empty. Nothing. Void. Nothing but a large creature swimming around. You look at it, knowing it can and WILL kill you, but not understanding it as a creature. You swim away, leaving this place in your sub as fast as you can go to the safety of the known. That is the spirit of subnautica. One large gripe I have is that the "fish swarms" apear way to much, and i'd rather have empty ocean void than a bunch of dots looking out of place, but that's just me.

This game is so immersive and lovely and I can't get enough of it, and I love it so dearly that im only slightly mad my save file became dead. Although, now I can talk about console commands. /!\ WARNING /!\ - I do not recomend you use console commands on ANY playthrough unless something tragic, like a recent save file corruption, happened, and all the progress you had got lost or marred in some way, or some soft-lock happened and you can't get your vehicle unstuck. If you have a seamoth stuck, use the command dig 4 to escape, but other than that, PLEASE DO NOT USE CONSOLE COMMANDS: IT RUINS THE VANILLA GAME. I used console commands for my recent save file, and it was painful retrieving the lost data. However, in creative mode it is jolly fun to manipulate the world, spawn in thousands of peepers, see how many cyclops your computer can handle, and overall just mess around, and I love a game where you can just mess around if you want. I've had some good fun in creative, but most of my fun in survival.

Buy this game peeps: and buy below zero, although if bought in early acsess alow it to grow. I did that with subnautica and it's one of the best games i've ever played. Stay safe out there peeps, and remember to grab that titanium.
发布于 2019 年 1 月 28 日。
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