Jimmy   Australia
Trade offer link: https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=197386196&token=RerefPWA
Backpack.tf Profile: http://backpack.tf/profiles/76561198157651924
Outpost Profile http://www.tf2outpost.com/user/813109
Seldom Used bazaar.tf Profile http://bazaar.tf/profiles/76561198157651924


* I have several items listed on my bot for a price higher than what is considered 'market value', this is intentional. I'm not particularly interested in selling those items but they are there if someone wants it immediately and doesn't mind paying a premium

First thing's first. Don't add out of the blue. I will probably just ignore you.

If you MUST add me, leave a comment explaining why. In general, it should be for a reason more than 'Trade offers don't work' or 'I want to buy something'.

Alternatively, you can join my group.
Click here for that

Second, prices are ALWAYS negotiable. I have some numbers below, but none of it is hard set. However, belching bp.tf prices at me is not negotiation. That's being stupid.

Third, don't beg. Don't Beg. DON'T BEG. If I say no, that's the end. I am not in the habit of giving away free things and I'm not going to start for you.

--If you wish to BUY something--

Interested in something? Check my trade links above and see if it's listed. If it's not, you may make an offer or enquire about the price.

If it's not listed there, you may make offers on any item in my backpack. Generally speaking, if its towards the back of my backpack, it is a personal item I am not interested in selling. If you are serious about getting it off my hands, expect to pay more than market value.

My OVERPAY policy is: You overpay by 25% of the portion you are not paying in pure.
Ex. For a 5 ref item, you would need to offer 6.22~ ref in just items, But if you pay partially in pure, say 3 ref, the overpay is only .55 (vs 1.22). I'm not trying to rip anyone off here, I just want to encourage pure payments.

My price scheme for item addons:
Strange parts: If a part is 1 ref or less, it is ignored entirely. Otherwise, the price of the item will initially include 40% of the part's market value. I may decide to decrease it after.

Paint: The price of the item with the paint will generally include 40% of the paint value, UNLESS the paint is a solid or popular choice. Or, if the paint is particularly stupid (or just not particularly visible) can be dropped down to 25%

Killstreaks: I generally use steam market to price Killstreaks. And considering how all over the place killstreaks are, I don't have any blanket policy that covers them all. Each one is given it's own consideration.

--If you wish to SELL something--

Once more, check those links. For something like paints, tickets, etc I have buy prices already listed. If I seriously want to buy something for myself, I will come to you or it will be listed there.

If you approach me wishing to sell me a cosmetic, strange weapon or other such item. Treat it as a quicksell. Your price should be about 20% less than the going rate for that item. Addons to that item will be treated thusly:

Strange Parts: Strange parts will be valued at 25% up to 50% of the base item value. I will make exceptions for Allied Healing on a medi gun or Headshot kills on a sniper rifle or Ambassador

Paint: Paints will be valued at 25%

Killstreaks: Once more I use steam market to price Killstreaks, and I usually give them much the same consideration I give ordinary items. It is on a case-by-case basis.
Currently Offline
erm, what the mustard ? 31 May, 2017 @ 9:07pm 
it's negotiable not negociable btw
NoScope360 27 Aug, 2015 @ 10:50pm 
+rep fast trader
r emoji 20 Aug, 2015 @ 6:46am 
Met on sweetstakes. Can I be friend plz. Im Ching's brother ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Nobody_Home 16 Aug, 2015 @ 7:13pm 
offer sent
i think im tom hanks 16 Aug, 2015 @ 6:40pm 
Added to discuss RL
datp 16 Aug, 2015 @ 11:37am 
congratz on your $1100 sweepstakes win