everyone must starve...
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TheParanoidPyro 12 aout à 18h42 
GGs You had my number. Got real confused when the character intro looked like Law, when I was supposed to fight a Kazuya, ha.:TEKKEN8_Joystick6::TEKKEN8_JoystickN::TEKKEN8_Joystick2::TEKKEN8_Joystick3::TEKKEN8_RPButton:
Chudinator52 29 juil. à 19h27 
This guys kaz SUcks! I beat this guy one billion to zero...
rocjag 29 juil. à 18h38 
new kazuya schizo asylum just opened and youre invited! :D we provide ropes, stools and ladders, and hanging stations of your choice, with beautiful oak trees or state of the art ceiling fans. we await your visit! :steamhappy:
rocjag 29 juil. à 18h33 
learn an honest character... </3
Chudinator52 17 juil. à 22h57 
this guy did something....
kioku 9 juil. à 20h19 