SchmiTz' *
Kai "SchmitZ" Schmitz

- Köln,Germany


- Samsung Syncmaster s23a750d - 120 Hz
- Asus P8P67 pro b3 -1155 socket
- Msi 650Ti Boost Edition x4 -SLI
- Intel(R) i7 3500k Oc - 8000 Mhz
- Intel 520 SSD 180GB
- WD 6500GB (6,5 TB)
- Corsair 8Gb RAM
- Silver Power 750 W
- Corsair H60 WaterCooling
- ROCCAT ISKU gaming keybord
- ROCCAT Kone[+] gaming mouse
- ROCCAT Kave gaming headphones
- ROCCAT Taito Mousepad


- 16:10 - 1680x1050 Res.
- Sensitivity: 3/10 in windows - 0.93 in css - 450 Dpi
- 999 FPS

I miss the old CSS... and I will NEVER forget this time.. mostly the ppl wich are offline for more then 2 years now.... I love you all :)

R.I.P. cya <3
ManiacTeam Clan R.I.P.[ ]
Currently Offline