Péter   Komarom, Komarom-Esztergom, Hungary
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EddY GhosT 20 NOV a las 1:48 
+ REP good, fast and helpful :gmd_like:
Alexandre Rosenthal 15 SEP a las 11:02 
+ REP <:steamthis:
Verxatious 7 JUL a las 3:24 
+rep again, because of his reasonable item trade requests and such, my summer badge is as of level 10 now. looking forward to more trades homie
Verxatious 3 JUL a las 3:23 
+rep Reasonable and fast trader :vcdjanitor: :steamthumbsup:
PetDetective 29 JUN a las 4:30 
𝕋𝔥𝔞𝓃𝒌 𝓨𝓞𝓤 again
DROSIS 14 JUN a las 4:21 
Trade with him for 6+ months, fair prices and he trades only what I need and want