United States
Likes: Strategy games , war games , classic cartoon shows (80's-06's) , anime , sandbox games , rpg games , sandbox games , mechs , giant robots , space rts games , 3rd person / first person shooters and air dogfighting games. i also have good taste in music and have a nack for liking things that are badass.

My top 3 original xbox games : conker live and reloaded , crimson skies high road to revenge , and metal arms glitch in the system.

top 6 strategy games HomeWorld , C&CGenerals , RedAlert2 , Supreme Commander , Starcraft original + BroodWars , sins of a solor empire.

Glory to Marik And the knights of the inner Sphere. Glory to you and our house RazorForce.
Vel 2016 年 1 月 16 日 下午 10:46 
This guy is alright in my book....