Zhong Xina
Haikou, Hainan, China
澤東。毛。近平醬 :steamthis:
Momenteel offline
AKB 18 feb om 11:21 
Very bad at hiding walls :steamthumbsdown:
B the MoNsTeR 9 feb om 10:20 
Link1n ParK 6 feb om 7:05 
♥♥♥♥♥ ha:steamthumbsdown:cker
Head Hunter 헤드 헌터™ 2 jan 2020 om 8:19 
dmg my ass
Pingping bababoi 20 nov 2019 om 22:36 
♧ 𝙶𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚒𝚎 17 jan 2019 om 22:40 
🌏 ♫ 🚙 ♫ 📕 ♫ 🥞 ♫ 👽 ♫ 🐳 ♫ 📀 ♫ 💎 ♫ ⛳ ♫ 🐠 ♫ 💛 ♫ 🥗 ♫ 🎈 ♫ 🍧 ♫ 🌽
Mulder: No, you'd be in trouble just sitting in this car. And
I'd hate to see you carry an official reprimand in your
career file because of me.
Scully: Fox..
Mulder: I.. I even made my parents call me Mulder... Mulder.
Scully: Mulder, I wouldn't put myself on the line for anybody
but you.
Mulder: If there's an iced tea in that bag, it could be love.

"The X-Files: Tooms"

Scully: He said that the men behind this hoax, behind these
lies, gave me this disease to make you believe.

"The X-Files: Gethsemane"
🔋 ♫ 🚗 ♫ 🎫 ♫ 💚 ♫ 👾 ♫ 🎁 ♫ 💃 ♫ 😺 ♫ 🍆 ♫ 💄 ♫ 🎄 ♫ 🌂 ♫ 📒 ♫ 🕺 ♫ 🐊