9/11 II: Bloodlines 3 ENE 2022 a las 7:17 
it is real gamer hours
z ʇ ᴉ ɹ ɟ 25 AGO 2021 a las 16:31 
Down for Dota with you sometime, was fun.
Spindrift > La croix 27 DIC 2015 a las 17:02 
If need be, I can provide an ample supply of gummy vitamins. Unfortunatley the theives over there took them
-->begins fetch quest
Spindrift > La croix 9 OCT 2015 a las 19:03 
▉▉▉▉▉▉◤┳◥▉▉▉▉▉▉ You have been visited by the Loomynarty.
▉▉▉▉◤┳┻┳┻┳◥▉▉▉▉ Copy and paste this on the walls of the 5
▉▉◤┳┃┈( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)┈┃┳◥▉▉most MLG m80s you know or you
◤┳┻┳┻┳┻┳┻┳┻┳┻┳◥ will be qu1cksc0p3d by #FaZe Clan

Literally Her 29 AGO 2015 a las 22:13 
I am going to detonate a bomb in your kitchen.
Electric Dolphin 29 AGO 2015 a las 21:08 
LoL>Dota, in dota you kill your own minion WutFace are u traitor? EleGiggle why in dota can you buy a ''battlefury'' on the market for 30 dollars and get a 4000 gold item for free at level 1? FailFish balanced game, dota is also made by unknown company named ''steam'', who is this ''steam''? this ''steam'' is scamming your life, LoL is made by riot, riot is good company who releases balanced champions, LoL also have lots of skins like mlg teemo, spacesuit teemo, swimsuit teemo, sexy bikini teemo, etc, LoL>Dota
Literally Her 22 AGO 2015 a las 17:28 
Who are you
Spindrift > La croix 22 AGO 2015 a las 15:54 
not more anime :/
Literally Her 15 AGO 2015 a las 19:19 
Gonna go kill someone
Literally Her 15 AGO 2015 a las 19:19 
I feel better now
Literally Her 15 AGO 2015 a las 19:19 
9/11 II: Bloodlines 15 AGO 2015 a las 15:58 
Not u bb. Never u <3