
xXxDaJoker420xXx 最近的评测

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I've been playing Unturned since classic. Here is one of my many experiences

I started on a new server with my brothers
I find hawkhound
We go to a farm
We see a man with an axe
I tell him to put the weapon away and get on the ground
He listens because he is smart
Zombies spawn right by us
He starts saying he can't use his weapon to help me because I told him to put it away
I hate smart mouths
I tell him to use his axe and help us
I was still mad at him
I shoot him twice and he dies
He screams noooooo!!!!! over the mic before he dies
I now have a damaged ear drum

10/10 would get eardrum damaged again
发布于 2016 年 2 月 21 日。 最后编辑于 2016 年 2 月 29 日。
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