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0.9 timer totalt
10/10 game
Publisert 22. oktober 2024.
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12.0 timer totalt (8.7 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Half Life 3 is not confirmed (2020) 10/10

Great things about game
:Half life Alyx builds onto VR as a experience and puts you into the world of Half Life,

:Mechanics of Alyx such as the gravity gloves are basic but are extremely polished. they give alot of dynamic to the game.

: Alyx makes you feel makes you feel everything one would in half life, humourous, action hero, fearful it has everything that reminds me of the original half life.

:Playing this game just works in VR and nothing else, the VR community needed this to show what VR can actually do and because of this game i got oppotunities to play VR and experience it with other games like VR chat and Beat Saber.

: if you dont have a VR headset get one if you can afford it, its worth so much then i had orignally expected

Bad things about game
:I couldnt find enough shotgun ammo and i much preffered only using the machine gun or the pistol, thus i only upgraded those two, but apparently the game might be controlled by a AI Director so using a gun more spawns more ammo throughout the game.

:Near the end i just experienced more and more bugs that broke the game at one point.
Found bugs were

:while climbing certain stairs at the top you can clip through the railings, such as the cidetel tower near the end of the game.

:i had died at a explosive room with the lock on the top, after respawning i had to switch my movement to jump only to move as when i tried moving with continous movement it didnt work
Publisert 28. mars 2020.
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1.0 timer totalt (0.6 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
An absolute lovely game to play for an hour or so, and it makes you T H I N K

Plus Cyan isnt Blue so dun mess it up

Visuals : 10/10
Soundtrack : 10/10
Mystery: ????
Publisert 26. desember 2019.
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1 person syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
12.4 timer totalt (2.2 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Chill Game 9/10 (2019)

Great things about game
:Frostpunks Mechanics are on point, a survival game about ensuring how to keep you city warm as well as trying to balance it with hope and discontentness really mixes well in this game. which is sad as i didnt even know this was a game till recently

:Frostpunk Is Insane in its testing of morals and politics

:Frostpunk is really pressuring in the sense that if you dont check and make your processes efficent it can cause your whole opperation to fail

:The main level takes around 5 hours to finish <that doesnt include your failed attempts> and it feels like an adventure througout the whole level, with side story and challenges that hinder your progress whilst playing the game.
PLUS this game has 3 more senarios that extend the games for a longer time, although i havent tried it it still takes place in the same universe and area of the game. Both mentioning the Londoners which is a faction in the game.

REALLY MAJOR SPOILERS Upon completing the game you end off with a cutscene made just for you. the game replays a timelaspe of your city being built from begining to end whilst telling you the actions made to be there such as what kind of laws you past to ensure the continuation of life. And questions you finally wheter it was really worth it

Bad things about game
:Frostpunk is not a tutorial game, so it doesnt have a full blown tutorial on how to optimise, the only tutorial it has is a side menu that describes the building or mechanic your experiencing now which isnt bad as a mini tutorial but not sufficent for more casual players.

:The game can be fustrating at times as it doesnt have a tutorial so i suggest just watching a few or 1 videos on tips with early game building, which really helped me complete my first scenario.

Personal Comments

:I just found this game really good in terms of its foundations and game mechanics, of hope and discontentness which really makes you feel like a desprate leader trying to just make the city live, if you played it the way you would if you yourself were trying to ensure a city lives, it really makes you think about your actions and doubt yourself whether it was necsassary to pass such laws or leave people behind.

I found myself gripping my mouse near the ending as it really just was tense seeing just everything fail infront of my eyes from people sick to the constant ringing of people dying from cold and hunger at the same time
Publisert 2. februar 2019. Sist endret 2. februar 2019.
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7.7 timer totalt
I see that you got Metro 2033 for free....
Heh i got the Redux on Humble Bundle as a subscriber (2018)

Great things about game
:Metro 2033 Redux has great graphics

:It has great atmosphere that really drives forward gameplay.

:What i can conclude is that this remaster of Metro 2033 makes the game look astonishing , similar to Half Life to Black Mesa

:This game has a large variety of game mechanics that all work together to drive forward the game's universe of a wasteland full of mosters and survivalistic nature of people, as well as including some history of real life WW2.

:The game has no cutscences so the game always gives you the controls so there isnt any clear direction of where you need to go or what to do at certain times driving forward the maze like metro you explore in the game.

:Each Character you meet gives off a certain personality that makes you feel more and more attach to them as you play on.

Bad things about game
:Metro 2033 is a game that has bugs in some levels but are mostly easy to reload the checkpoint and move around that area.

:The controls might be hard to understand sometimes not appearing as hints, such as the compass that allows you to find the correct way to the objective. <but the game helps remind that youre in danger with lots of sound effects ie character weezing or the beeping of your watch to remind you to switch your gas mask's filter>

Founded bugs were

:on the level where your on land traveling with a friend you move around the city careful of not falling in the water, if you walk down one of the stairs and touch a small puddle you die instantly.

:When walking on the train on the level after picking up the missile laser designator, if you walk between the carts as youre moving you will fall through the ground, luckily this doesnt make your game into a soft lock, instead just loads the next level

Publisert 1. desember 2018.
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11.0 timer totalt (10.5 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
I watched this Warowl video and thought it was a cool game to buy... But it was great. (2018)

Great things about game
:Weapons are customizable and easy to learn just based on its looks
:Realistic combat makes it fun and exciting to get kills and surprisingly rewarding.
:combat evolves over a match where if youre doing a good job killing or winning a match, you get more "points" to put into your equipments
:The comunity is fun to fool around with, often you can roleplay and other will join, or if youre more competitive have coordinated attacks on a objective with other players

Bad things about game
:Insurgency can be a very rage-y game that makes you want to throw your mouse to the other side of the room as its realistic combat can make for very sad deaths, being spawn camp by a rpg/ grenedier and or being constantly picked off by a sniper holding a only corridor.

:The game can feel very akward to play as there are new mechnics to this that makes the game much different than any other fps, The suppression effect and the "free aiming" for hip fire might confuse people why their character isnt doing what they want to.

:Friendly fire is a ♥♥♥♥♥

7.5 / 10
Publisert 1. juli 2018.
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18.7 timer totalt
My friend told me that this game was good, not that good (2018)

Great things about game
:Life is Strange is great as it is unique in its telltale style of gameplay, where by you can reverse time in order to see both outcomes.
:The Plot is great too, but for the starting bit might be a bit lacking in entertainment, but binge through it and you will appreaciate the writers of life is strange.
:Every descision will affect something, you cannnot have no opinion which makes it extremely entertaining to watch and play as you think "what is the best way to have the best outcome"

Bad things about game
:The rewind mechenic can be slow and grueling at times where you are waiting 30 secs, or what feels like, to just redo a answer or possiblility. <this is because the rewind scrolls through the dialog and actions the characters make but slows down at the important bits>
:Some of the puzzles are really hard, not like its really taking brain power, but it has a randomness to it where in one part you are looking for bottles and found 4/5 but the last one is hidden the otherside of a map where in between an two walls and the entrance hidden from sight, which makes it unfair for certain times.
:At certain times, pretend if you rewind and click an action to fast or bug the game, characters will repeat movement, have stuttering eyelids, mouth that doesnt move and even have a frame of T-posing when exiting or entering a room. Though these are rare and happen once or twice only in my playthrough
Publisert 18. juni 2018.
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7 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
0.7 timer totalt
Not that great of a game dont buy it, its repetetive
Publisert 1. mars 2018.
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2.6 timer totalt
Yay i cant wait to rage on this game every time I press R(2018)

Great things about game
:The Gameplay makes every second you play both very energetic and adrenaline rush and the end of every chapter (level)

:The Music comes with sick beats making you bob your head to them

:The Artstyle is very simplistic having a top down view you have a feeling of "all-seeing" where you can plan your movements and or see how you even gonna try to win this impossible part

Bad things about game
:The game can be very harsh in terms of the gameplay and how rage enducing it can be. so take a breather when you play this and come back.

:The story can be very hard to catch on but with the help of youtube videos, you can get yourself associated with the lore

Founded bugs were

:There were no bugs that were significant to mess up the game

Publisert 14. februar 2018.
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5.3 timer totalt (5.1 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
A game that was in my childhood so why not but it now (2018)

Great things about game
:Deadly 30 is a nice 2d scroller and plays well in gameplay
:This game can be a very short and challenging at the same time due to its nature of its knockback mechanics

Bad things about game
:Deadly 30 can be repetitive at times whereby among the 30 deads youre just walking around in the game finding scraps and leveling up to get knew items.

:And when talking about leveling, this isnt like a RPG where skill points are given but are more like unlocks where you will be able to build weapons with found scrap.

:And the boxes are useless

Founded bugs were

:end game screen/ death screen would only show your stats in the current seesion of playthrough making in annoying to get achievements and or know your actual statistics when you complete the game.

:Characters have a tendency to move back downstairs back in the main room making the end game rescue impossible to have the fight on the roof with out one of your characters dying.

Publisert 12. februar 2018.
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