2 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
0.0 horas nas 2 últimas semanas / 283.4 hrs em registo (2.5 horas no momento da análise)
Publicada: 29 out. 2020 às 10:28
Atualizada: 29 abr. 2021 às 12:54

Análise de Acesso Antecipado
It does what it is advertised as, and more

does all that it was advertised as, it might even have been underhyped, because this game could be much more than a heist game, this voxel engine could be used for all kinds of fun stuff, racing games, fighting games, derby games. It already has a map creator on release and from what i underestood more modding support is planned for the future, so i think this game will be great, and even without all the speculation of what it could become, i absolutely recommend it

EDIT: 162 more hours into the game I can say i still fully get behind my original statement (which i made 2.5 hours in) and i must say this is a game i'll be in for the long term. New updates, better mod support, very helpful and friendly devs, rather open modding community full of nice people and endless potential! they're even looking into making a multiplayer mode at some point! this game deserves game of the year, what a shame the game awards are corrupt and rigged as ♥♥♥♥....
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