Alfred Kodani
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5.5 Hours played
Very Interesting Game.

I haven't seen a realistic shooter in a while. No one in this game acts like a bullet sponge (including the player character). You will need to break a lot of bad habits that modern FPS games have taught.

For example, pistols are a force to be reckoned with. If you encounter enemies, kill the guy with the gun first, or he will chew through your health in 2 shots. In turn, melee enemies also fear being shot by you and will back off if you aim the barrel at their torso (this works even if you have no ammo). There's some psychological play too, as some enemies will react differently to being held at gunpoint. Some will attempt to catch your bluff and rush you, some will keep backing up, and others will surrender if their more aggressive comrades are dead.

Take the system warning with a grain of salt. I was able to run this on Windows 10 with only minor hiccups.
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MightySar 2 Jan, 2018 @ 5:48am 