:retro_questionMark:Comment a reason why are you ADDING me on my profile before hitting the ADD button.
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| steamname: Shadow
| steam3ID: [U:1:176350184]
| steamID32: STEAM_0:0:88175092
| steamID64: http://gtm.steamproxy.vip/profiles/76561198136615912
| customURL:
| steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198136615912
10969 2021년 11월 21일 오후 7시 15분 
adariacisore 2021년 1월 31일 오전 6시 23분 
hey, i cant send you friend request, so can you add me please? its urgent
GGwazi 2020년 12월 20일 오후 7시 50분 
Please add me, Someone scammed my friend and Im messaging anyone who had a positive comment on the scammers profile and asking them to delete it
INC✪ GNIT✪ 2019년 4월 18일 오전 3시 19분 
added to buy tf2 keys
Lothet 2018년 8월 31일 오후 11시 16분 
Hi, I trade my pudge arcana for any 10 Dota2 loading screens - if you want send me trade offer, I will accept
benzo 2018년 6월 23일 오전 5시 42분 
Hi, I can give my Fiery Soul of the Slayer Lina arcana for all of your dota 2 loading screens (Im collecting them) so if it's ok for you send me trade offer please. Link in my bio