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1.1 hrs on record (0.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
System: Core 2 Duo, 250m laptop, frames: 60, High settings

Developers, You really have something special here. An Unreal Engine game that feels like Modern Warfare and Battlefield. But with the speed of Unreal Tournament! this game is definitely Legit.

Gamers Facts:

If you see my Library, I have and love FPS games.

+ Excellent Graphics
+ Excellent Gameplay
+ Excellent Potential

- Only played Bots so far, but MINOR if I can find some players, it might work
- NO INVERT ON GAMEPAD AND MOUSE!!! Inexcusable. Every Single game I have played Allows this option.
- LEFT TRIGGER NO RESPONSE (just allow us to enable or disable the controller, if you choose not to fix this right away)

Keep in mind that this is an Early Access game. I bought it when it first came out, and I fell in love with the potential, when I could get on and play before it crashed. but its fine now.I have no Idea if the netcode works or anything yet, but the Bots are in, and you definitely will LOVE whats here.

The fact that it is an UNREAL ENGINE game means it can practically run on anything. I want to try it on my Toshiba latop, then move it over to My dedicated gaming PC to see it on Ultra. But I love running stuff on this particular laptop.

I Really need to see what the Devs are doing, and I hope they are really going to finish this game.

Wishlist? Yes. I have a wishlist.

-Survival Mode
-Ability To furnish maps and models
-Split screen (just 2, and I have seen the plug in for sale in the Unreal store, so if you need a loan, I know we will help you)

thats all.all of the bones are here, and its phenomenal the amount of stuff that works here so far. I cant wait to play any updates. PLEASE fix the INVERT issue.I cant fully enjoy this like I want to.

other than that, KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!

Recommended? YES!!!! this would be considered an investment. especially since you can rape the bots for practice, and to see the progress of the proof of concept.

Thanks Guys, I needed this today.
Posted 9 September, 2015.
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4.9 hrs on record (4.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I don't understand why people wont give the game a chance.

+280 MB download
+Currently a great collection of maps
+Industry Standard FPS controls (Iron sights,sprint, accurate gunplay)
+Awesome Variety of weapons (IN FACT the only thing I see missing is the AR15)
+Very capable graphics, Smooth
+Currently Active servers
+COMPLETELY worth the Download.

-Free to Play
-Laggy, but stable (You know they will fix it, they just need maybe fewer players, like 6 on 6
-no Peer to peer
-No custom controls
- Spawn points for teams (need to be random all over the map, with a buy screen before spawn for team deathmatch)

Aside from the obvious early access issues, I think its a shame that the developer wont focus on selling the game for a few bucks, then focus on skins and other things. they really have something here. I was laughing almost as hard as Playing goldeneye with my friends... but with strangers from al over the world.

as it isright now, I would just buy a few things if they tie their store to the steam wallet, and allow map makers to get in and add maps and skins...

this game is incredibly familiar and fun, and I Love it, how you work for the weapons, and purchase skins and masks...

My other final issue is that the mercenaries look more awesome than the actual WARMODE team. My suggestion, Change all characters to use the same masks. the uniforms can be as they are, but I like the prospect of original facepaint masks for purchase.

I love that there are indicators that take you to your team on the battlefield, and the maps are definitely deathmatch worthy.

A lot of you wont read all of this, but I REALLY care about this one.

Currently running on my Core2Duo, 250m, 4gb Alienware laptop, at roughly 40-60 frames. I know its not optimized, but as it is, its freaking smooth and the dips dont affect gameplay.

I know its only about an hour and 20 minutes, but I know its worth it. the bones are there, and I think this will be my after work game.


I played with the mouse, and it was difficult for me becaause I am a controller player. So I downloaded ANTI MICRO and it plays a lot like call of duty.


-TOGGLE CROUCH (maybe I dont know how to do that
-TURN OFF TOGGLE FOR IRONSIGHTS AS AN OPTION (aids the campers and slows down gameplay)

As you can see, I really like this game. Its like they took REKOIL and fixed it.

I wrote all of this based on an hour and a half of gameplay. trust me, its worth it.
Free to play wont be where the money is made, it will be the community and weapons and skins and profit sharing in the steam workshop....

High hopes for this one.

Posted 26 August, 2015.
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121.7 hrs on record (21.6 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review

this is one hell of a game so far! everything I ever hoped for. I have only played singleplayer for now.

Pros- Ran it on my Alienware laptop (oldie, core 2 duo, 250m 4 gigs, settings "fast") and the framerate is awesome. Nothing like my desktop, but its definitely "take anywhere and enjoy".
-Decent learning curve
-very detailed yet automatic (balanced) crafting system
-EXCELLENT block building system
-EXCELLENT vehicle system
-EXCELLENT planetary scale

Cons- No Ironsights/ reticle is way too light. still functional though.
-more-complicated-than-it-needs-to-be block turning (but it works. very well)
-Menu system needs a quick fix....

I was stretching on these. the only competitor this thing has is 7 Days to Die. You simply must own this game, if you Like epic games. the scope is amazing.

and when I saw it at 60fps on the desktop, I couldnt wait to see more.

totally enjoying the experience. I would love if it stays in development. forever!!!

aw man the possibilities. I only heard about this game 2 weks ago. it was an INTSTANT purchase.
Posted 9 August, 2015.
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2.4 hrs on record (2.0 hrs at review time)

great price
great graphics (razor sharp ,60fps)
great gameplay


Superhuman guards that die easily but can put a bullet through an eagle in flight
You wear armor, but can die in 2 hits
No early warning makes you feel like you are unprepared, much like a vigilante/mercenary squad...

I actually really like this game. Its HARD as hell, but at least you have the tools for success.

Things I would add to improve the accessibiity to the game:

4 hit life system, 1 for head shots, to simulate Armor. (face it, you might as well be milf in a tshirt)

thats it!

I see they added a map editor, and Im all for it, but I cant get it to work just yet. I would love if they could do a sequel and put it on early access.

Overall, the game is a great project. I really see myself and people like me just adding content if they allow us, because itneeds work, and imagination, and can still be bigger than it is. I know thousands of us own the game. If they tell us what they require, then by all means, we may be able to help.

I give it a 7.

but after knowing the troubles, 10.

Posted 2 August, 2015.
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16.5 hrs on record (7.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Found a cannibal camp, used a tent, put a door and walls on the exposed portions, had an invicible stronghold.
saves time and effort. you will only have to hunt and amass weapons before exploration.

You dont need me to tell you to get this game.

and soon it will be a ps4 game!

pros- almost everything
cons- crafting a place to live should not feel like this. maybe more like minecraft with blocks, because though the structures are cool, they feel prebuilt. you wont want to hang out at "home" or even feel like you own it.

I love the game however, and though I didnt check out the multiplayer, from the videos I have seen, there are awesome possibilities.

My wish?

a survival mode where you just crash alone on the island, like lost.
other players that join te server can be seen crashing onto the island for more supplies and stuff

just block based building(easy to make something cool, and not feel prefabbed), and a way to change the tent to a sleeping bag.the tent doesnt feel safe, and neither does the house.

the game is brilliant. wow. get it.
Posted 27 December, 2014.
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254.5 hrs on record (2.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Beta 0.5 review: So far, this game just told me I wasted my money on similar clones.

I love survival games. even if they reiterate a previous games successes. Enter Rising World. A cross breed of The Forest, and Minecraft (without the enemies yet, so a "creative" mode If You will.

(edit) the game still feels creepy with no enemies. (the forest creepy, which is good)

There isnt much to say, but Once you get it running (if you have any difficulties, just reboot windows) you will immediately see the potential.

Should you Buy Early?

Yes. we all love clones of games, then gravitate to the next best thing, but this one is special. it looks beautiful, runs smooth, and the fundamentals are completely on point. so I will just do plusses and Minus's...

+Great starting graphics
+start you off with tools so you can get going
+Earth molding plus minecraft building
+hunting livestock
+crafting tables/modern/classical decor
+excellent controls
+Super fun, awesome textures and more

++++Not even a day passed and they fixed the "no invert" (which was my complaint) God bless them!

-Biomes (of course they are coming, but this is for people who expect it)
-no story of how you got there (ok, for this game, I will just say I fell from heaven and will start a lodge of masonry)
-no projectile weapons yet
-the terrain is great, but a little too wild (not exactly realistic)
-when you kill animals, cant eat them or harvest from them but
+you can hide the bodies of animals which lead to AWESOME future gameplay

I really had to reach, as EVERY ONE of my problems will definitely be fixed one way or another,

Bonus Points:

you dont have to dig for Iron to test out everything in the game.

this by far has been the easiest game to get into, and you can see everything in an hour or so, but I defifnitely will play more, and my views are subject to change per update.

my personal score 8/10 (the potential is unbelievable.)
Posted 13 December, 2014. Last edited 13 December, 2014.
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1.6 hrs on record (0.9 hrs at review time)
I AM NEVER GOING TO UNINSTALL. Maniacal laughter, and glorious movie style killings... I have been killed (head shot) by a guy who leaped backwards to his death off of the rooftop. you will actually jump after someone if you want that person dead that badly. Revenge killings...

This game feels like you are playing with friends you have known forever. like playing goldeneye on a saturday night with friends. just faster, more frantic, logical, and no worries about kill ratio. just rack up points! and the killing is so satisfying.

Norrmally I would go in about how this game needs split screen (which it does for local play, in fps mode) but I can honestly say, that there are enough people playing that you will never wonder where they are. this is great.

Needs more characters.

Vote yes for clones
+golgo 13
+dolph lundgren
+jet li
+sylvester stallone
+terry cruise
(these are just model Ideas)

agh you guys get it. once you play it, you will know what it means to laugh with glee, whether you are dying or killing.

Posted 15 November, 2014.
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13.6 hrs on record (12.5 hrs at review time)
A Video Game with a TV SERIES Asthetic.

Typically, when Game developers want to get into the game with a compelling story, they borrow a tried and true gameplay system in order to tell the story. Enter the game with the right mindframe, and you will LOVE IT.

60 FPS makes the difference.

I played the game on the xbox, and dealt with its flaws, ALL the time wishing it was smoother and Blah blah, but I just couldnt finish it, so it sits in a box. That said, I purchased it here on steam, and I love it. the graphics are awesome, and its smoothness adds to the gameplay, and the story and details drive the experience home.


-Online only co-op and versus
-no split screen (co op or versus)
-no bots to play against to practice (in case the servers are off and you would be stuck with half a game)

But as a Singleplayer romp, its a great game.

Inversion is the kind of game that had plenty of great Ideas, but because of its gears of war mechanics, the gravity sections which could have been awesome, seem like gimmicks (for the story), which makes it a regular Third person affair.

If you like shooters, and love razor sharp 60 fps graphics, with a TV series style storyline (which you will try to follow to the end, which I havent beaten it yet, but I savor every bit of good TV dialogue, and good TV acting) you will enjoy it a lot.

4 GB download, an it serves its purpose. I hope people buy it. but dont buy it hoping for multiplayer. this would only be good for that if you had a bunch of friends. but then again, other games do it better. they should have just added split screen, because not everyone would ever play this at the same time.

All in all, the game is well built, well designed, and the COD of GOW. LMAO. OMFG.

Scratch that last part, its just a good game, you will not be disappointed. definitely a sunday/rainy day game.
Posted 8 November, 2014. Last edited 9 November, 2014.
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44.7 hrs on record (36.2 hrs at review time)
I bought this game a few years ago before I broke up with my fiance, and though I don't have as many hours in the game as others, I have played it and you can say that I have grown With the game. I don't play too much that I have to start the story over and over again, but now I think I can talk about it, now that I've invested about 8 hours into the campaign.

It's probably the most inspired game that I've ever played, and I am appalled that it's not more famous.

I will keep it short. The story and exploration is phenomenal. I like the characters, and creating your own makes the game more personal, as I said, because I really needed to be somewhere else when I was alone, and this game was perfect in its immersion and its ability to give the player creative license.

If there is one flaw with the game, it's the over-arching musical score. It's not as epic as the action score, it just doesn't feel as adventurous/sci-fi as it could, but I can't exactly point out what would be better, because it does have a bit of melancholy that I do admire.

I haven't played multiplayer recently, but they kept changing it back then... But it's pretty awesome from what I tried.

I am honored to have played this game, and I'm blessed to see that they keep ironing out the bugs. I hope they think about bringing this to consoles, because I think with its random gen, it can be a hell of a minecraft killer, and deserves to be on every platform.

If you haven't played it, you should.


Points taken because of the lack of proper controller support, (fixable with complete open button/stick mapping)

Points given back because of the emotional connection I have with the game, with its vibrant colors and beautiful sights. It mixes survival with science fiction in a final fantasy sort of way, with monster hunter Gameplay, complete with co-op servers. I do wish there were other planets, but maybe in a sequel.

Anyway, this purchase is amazing. You will believe so also.
Posted 2 November, 2014. Last edited 22 May, 2017.
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35.1 hrs on record (29.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review

I Love FPS games. I recently got into the survival craze, and Dinosaurs are a pretty neat plot device, aside from not knowing WHY you are in the land of the lost. but HEY, its just a game. so here's my personal breakdown.

PROS ( thus far)
-Open world
-modern weapons
-decent crafting (menu driven)
-scaleable graphics for smoother gameplay (until they streamline the graphics, I'm getting 60 fps)
-build a base
-start off with a knife! and it chops wood and rocks!

CONS (thus far)
-I felt like a weakling at ALL times. you cannot fend off the attacks of a dino, so you can only run into another pack of dinos, and you will lose everything trying to get it back.
-tried to get back my hard earned loot, and once I died, my loot bag disappeard, replaced with the new spawn stuff (a knife)
-Invincible dinos (or maybe You can only kill dinos with the better weapons, but as you can tell, I cant even get anythin. surrounded by dinos, trees and rocks looted, I am just waiting to die, luckilly if I die, I respawn back at the base, but UGH, I gotta run ALL the way back to get scarce materials. Yeah, its realistic, but dinos arent real.

I know that I may have been a little rough in the cons, I know its just a beginning, and I love where the game is going. But honestly, feel a little disenfranchised. meaning, I might play from time to time, to play and feel the cool stuff, but the bad stuff (feeling trapped, wit no recourse, to ave to start over again for the 12th time) I just dont know right now.

I love the game overall though.

-make an axe
-make a workbench
-make a land claim flag
-make a foundation
-make a house
-make a forge
-make 4 chests

Follow that order.
Play the game first before joining a server, everythign was mined all to hell where I spawned, then I was killed outright by Automatic fire from somewhere.

I will be editing this as my views change, but for now, I say BUY IT, because this game is going to be a SWAN when it gets rolling.

other tip: TURN ALL OF THE GRAPHICS SETTINGS LOW to start. Nothing wrong with them, but depending on your rig, it will affect your view of the game before you play it to its strengths. so turn it down, so you can see what the game is offering.

then turn it up.

To the Developers:
I dont know the story of the game, but I have a couple of suggestions.

The Isle is HUGE. maybe allow Vehicles.
The Isle Is HUGE. Maybe make it an Island, and shrink it just a little bit, because No server is filling up, everyone is starting their own...
Air Drops!

great Job though. I am enjoying the game. 2 days in, and I think I have it now.
Posted 2 November, 2014. Last edited 2 November, 2014.
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