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Đánh giá gần đây bởi GrimmSword

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Hiển thị 11-20 trong 57 mục
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439.8 giờ được ghi nhận (60.2 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
As an older man, I still miss collecting GIJoes and watching Commando and Rambo, this game gives me the joys of playing with my brother, and others who just want to play "bullet football" (domination).

the other modes are great as well, I haven't personally encountered any unfairness.....except for the shipment exploits.

It has almost everything you could ever want. Third person, first person, open world, battle royale, Just disappointing how few maps they launched with that are noteworthy. The maps are excellent for Domination, and other modes, but not DM, and FFA.

anyway, Reliable like Mcdonalds, people can be mad, but it delivers.
Đăng ngày 10 Tháng 01, 2023.
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6.8 giờ được ghi nhận (3.7 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
I wrote my review below, this part is about "mods".

Why sell a game on steam, but not allow workshop content? GONE is the ease of just ticking a box and experiencing a mod that looks like fun. SMH . If I didn't like the game so much, I would not recommend this, because I AM PETTY. BUT, the game is phenomenal, However, Mods would be better served in the Workshop. this is a HUGE hurdle, unless you're die-hard enough to go through the extra steps, but I HAVE A JOB, and I just want the full experience.

don't you?


I might not have a lot of time in, but I can appreciate everything in here. I come from the COD/RainbowSix Camps, so I really don't know where I want this game to be, because I really want the Slow paced terrorist hunts, and I also want fast paced Death Matches.

I think the game can appeal to both sides, and I also think it is up to us DM lovers to come up with some Medium sized DM maps that can take advantage of the ways this game plays. Having played the Originals, I appreciate this update/sequel.


just 1.

I love the models, But the cover art characters look more savage than the ingame ones. maybe they need to work out a little more, or pad their outfits in the right places, but as it is, it's great. You will enjoy it, especially after the COD/Battlefield debacles.
Đăng ngày 14 Tháng 11, 2021. Sửa lần cuối vào 16 Tháng 11, 2021.
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1.1 giờ được ghi nhận
Đánh giá truy cập sớm
Sims Killer?!?!

This thing is awesome. Yeah, it's bare bones, but you can really make something truly special with this.

My quick review:
+ building needs work, but works awesome
- survival system is incomplete (no thirst yet)
+ deep stats, hint at the Huge scope ahead
- If it's going this deep, there should be bodily functions like urine and #2
+ In crafting, there will be "functions" for what you're building, so that might include toilets, shower etc
+ Vehicles incoming
- Vehicles not in yet
+ Beautiful.

I usually love buying these Early access build/survival games, because they promise a lot of what real builders/survival players want... open world, true freedom in building, a decent combat system, and immersion.

what is here is Noteworthy! I only gave it an hour, because I wanted to see what I could pull off. there is no real gameplay loop other than finding your footing and living and trying out the crafting/building system.

the scope is amazing. you don't need random maps, if you can possibly spawn anywhere on the planet.

I can't wait to see the updates in motion.


-more materials
-more functions
-more biological functions
-Take a cue from Minecraft's "hand model" for FP perspective. (way less jarring with anims)
-Make a way to include player Recipe creation for future foods

well I'm greedy. I always liked The Sims, and this looks like the closest we will get to a full realization of it.I pray we get there.

Great work thus far.
Đăng ngày 28 Tháng 08, 2021.
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0.8 giờ được ghi nhận
Lol. I remember trying to play the game when it came out, and it never booted into a match.

Yea I'm salty.

All these years later.
Đăng ngày 17 Tháng 05, 2021.
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0.0 giờ được ghi nhận
I understand why this is released, and I also want to support the game. That said, skins are cool. More options, more customization. Sure, I'm definitely a NORMIE. But like anything or anyone you love, support them.
Đăng ngày 3 Tháng 05, 2021.
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32.5 giờ được ghi nhận (11.7 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
Brilliant Minecraft-surpass-er.

I don't have a lot of time on this, as I really just come in from time to time to see what awesome updates are in this thing. It is ambitious, and I love building games. Now, I really have yet to go TOTALLY in depth because, I am afraid of a broken heart( the game might never reach its full potential) but I must say, it has really come so far along, that I dare say it is at a peak of its development at this moment.

10/10 as a GREAT survival crafting game. however, there needs to be a PREMIUM purchase for those who take the game more seriously. no "coyns". that SVCKS.

Tons of things change over time, and My only grief at this moment is the "free to play" model.

granted, I get it. but the phone version kind of solidifies my position on that.

Great game. Highly recommended.

Đăng ngày 21 Tháng 04, 2021.
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15.7 giờ được ghi nhận
I like this game. I know, only 15 hours here. I also own it on the Xbox and PS4. cut me some slack. this game has everything a shooter fan wants.

I want a straight up Death Match mode, keeping the destructibility. this game already caters to campers, until the walls get blown out! I think that would bring in the people burned by COD. and the installed base on the consoles would already bring them back.

well done, ubisoft.
Đăng ngày 9 Tháng 01, 2021.
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0.3 giờ được ghi nhận
Ok, before you crucify me for the time played......I sit at a recommended for now....but I am VERY UPSET. The fam and I have always played these games Split screen. I pre-purchased because I assumed that croteam would stick to tradition. I know there are a lot of people who don't care. but I do. and from what I played so far, It plays Fine. But know that going in, This isnt what the franchise promised based on its name. Croteam, Please fix.
Đăng ngày 19 Tháng 10, 2020.
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0.3 giờ được ghi nhận (0.1 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
ABSOLUTELY fun!!! I would buy a full game!! I would even love if they made a "diablo-esque" dungeon romp using this as a template!!! SMGDH sega. Maybe then wasn't the time, but NOW is the time! Add a cool story too! well done prototype. smooth, fast, you can make your own combo variations through experimentation, and properly violent in that Barbarian way we men love! I really liked that, and if it doesn't warm you up a little, you are a cold hearted SOB lol.
Thank you Sega. I did appreciate this gameplay.
Đăng ngày 19 Tháng 10, 2020.
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2.0 giờ được ghi nhận
Skyrim killer? Possibly!
(you can make your own stories and quests) according to the description.

Ok, just a couple of hours in, and for a building/exploration game, it does exactly what you hope. What holds it back? Not too much..... But one glaring issue for me, and it's a big one: there is no hunger system. It might not bother some, but it bothers me more than I thought it would. Why do I care? Well, it's a world, full of danger. Also has relatively tame animals. But hunger is one of the core concept of survival/crafting games. Hunting and gathering should still be one of the major fundamentals. Now, maybe I can compromise, a wizard/alchemist can drain life-force and replenish his own, like a vampire. But killing animals for magic just feels... Strange. Character creation aside, this is just one problem I have with the game.

Otherwise, it runs well, the random questing works enough, the building is fun as expected, but the hunger.... I would love to eat. Forces me to engage with the world. Collecting items is absolutely fun. But preparing a meal for an epic adventure would be so cool.

Bonus points: npcs following you opens up so many possibilities. Would be cool to "marry" one of the female npcs. Ah well.

Almost perfect.
Đăng ngày 30 Tháng 04, 2020.
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Hiển thị 11-20 trong 57 mục