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My Faast and Dirty Review

Do I Like the Game? Yes. It does a bunch of cool stuff, in fact its very, Very cool.

Does it feel like a Lego Game? Yes and No.

Split screen
infinite worlds
infinite building options
TONS of content
Nice cntrols
Quasi-Quests (if you want characters, fulfil requirements)

Taking the Lego License TOO literal:
1. Weird plastic look on landscapes and water
2. expected textures at least on Landscapes to mimic other lego licensed games which blend models and legos closely, instead, it looks really strange..... Landscapes are well done, but maybe texturelandscape items, and we can build with collected untextured blocks.
3. When I was young Legos were toy representations of real life....so we put them in real water. Real water please.
4. the asthetic really takes away from the awesome game at hand, its hard to look at for too long, honsetly. My main gripes being the lack of textured landscape and water really hurts the look of the game. We play games with toys in reality infused, not games that mimic toys look to a fault.
5.No building vehicles?
6. The game, though teeming with life is cold, because of the plastic feel.
7. No Hunger mechanic? I mean you have foods and stuff. can we at least have a reason to find food?

the game is fun. the time spent was over a few plays, each time bugging me how icy and cold the game looked. The textures dont have to be perfect, just remover the glare, and make dirt look like dirt.keep the blocky look, just texture it. a plastic lego home is fine.

Final score 8/10 as is. but if the look persists, I have to give it a 6/10, because I cant stand having a game I cant stand to look at lol.

this is no slight on the devs, they pulled off a lego Minecraft type game with tons to do. but... the look is a turn off.

Get it to support development, You get a lot of Game.
Diposting pada 20 Agustus 2016. Terakhir diedit pada 22 Agustus 2016.
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I am blown away. I only purchased this after THE DIVISION. Same controls, just way more to do, way more fun.

The gunplay, traversal,, and hacking games are fun. The driving is nothing like GTA or ANY OTHER DRIVING GAME, but its not punishing either.

The ending is awesome too. By the end, You like Aiden Pierce. You begin to miss his voice.

This city feels way better thanks to each resident having a name, andhow everything seems connected. I only wish there was Co-Op, but you dont need t because youre such a Warrior. Buy the alternate outfits, because I promise the darkman look will boost the game to 1000.

I love this game. Best realized city in games. period. purchase with confidence.
Diposting pada 15 Mei 2016.
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Tercatat 31.9 jam (Telah dimainkan 23.5 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
I love this thing.

Keeping this short....

Pro: Easy to use.
con: challenge to get desired results
pro: Map editor/ works a lot like farcry
con: no alternative mapping,(ie fps creator classic)
Pro: Assets!!!!
con: No Blocks or shapes to block out a level
Pro: intuitiive terrain
con: limited texture selection for terrain
con: Still waiting on Controller support

As it is, this is a great value proposition, and everything is very well done. with time, this will surpass that of farcry and become a definitive game creation engine. My only wish was that it would allow you to import ALL MODELS natively lol.

(of course, thats impossible, but I can dream)

Keep up the work,


Informed that you can import levels from FPS classic!!!!

man thats awesome as heck!!!
Diposting pada 17 Maret 2016. Terakhir diedit pada 17 Maret 2016.
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March 17th, 2016

The developer has lost his/her/their minds!
These updates are insane!!!! I AM IN LOVE.


I havent played the updated Multiplayer, still. but its great on its own for now.

the AI is greatly improved, and I am loving being called out when detected. I see missions in the future.

The X input software included works perfectly, and the graphics are GREAT. Everything on the list was touched in some way, not to say that its because of me, but the developer obviously likes his game enough to keep fixing and adding stuff!!! Buy the DLC. its fun!

Wishlist #2!!!

-Survival is great. Hunger and thirst is a must. the settings in the game Need it. it looks like you ware dropped into a zone, and I love that. but its so open, without the added stress of food and water, this is just running around killing.
-Kill dinosaurs, loot corpses, take to evac point (capture the flag style) I am so into this.
-Food/water drops would be cool , if randomly dropped in.
-reload while running (ok, we are killing dinosaurs.)
-Stop Exploding the enemies unless its grenade related. Ragdoll them out.

I LOVE this game now.Havent uninstalled it yet!


PC Test Build:

I3 (speed 3400)
gtx 780
5 gigs Ram ( my cheat, 1 for windows, 4 for gaming lol)

Bad matchup in card/cpu, but the 3 gb gddr5 +3400 mhz processor, runs all of my games at 60fps on high... (older games, ultra)

Funny, 1080p 40-55 fps, 1366x768 60-70fps

Smoothness over graphics anyday.


My Rig chews this game up and spits it out graphically, but the game runs on the most meager of systems, judging the requirements. But I digress...

There is a unique opportunity here for the person making the game. An opportunity to make the game for all people, and their tastes.

- Nice graphics (no Im not a graphics ♥♥♥♥♥, but smoothness and playability count)
- Playability (has an awesome SERIOUS SAM Vibe thing going on with it, and controls very well)
- Tried Multiplayer (well, not exactly, just ran around the empty level and I was impressed, assuming everything stays this smooth)
- Looks like the developer keeps updating the game.


- If the support stops, the game will ♥♥♥♥.
- maybe allow maps to be made for multiplayer, offered up via workshop.
- enemies are great, but the bullets need to do more damage, assuming that the gist of the game is "dino hunting" so the caliber bullet must be higher. it wont be too easy, if the numbers of wave spawns increased. and the money can be lowered. 5 coins per kill. a headshot needs to force an enemy down. I shouldnt be getting thousands for multiple headshots on the same creature.
- as of the build I'm playing, the trees have no collision, so it hinders the view, and cramps general playability, so I end up enjoying the desert a lot more...

I like the game. it has all of the bones of a fantastic shooter, because the 1st half hour is extremely important in the success of the game.

Haters on a game like this, clearly dont see the potential.


- multiplayer horde mode
- asset driven map maker (cubes, walls, stairs, spawn points) Keep the maps.
- enemy soldiers in place of zombies
- money system is excellent, working for guns and ammo is perfect.
- Counterstrike controls really helped the game. Player maps (which you can offer up) can give us a healthy alternative to counterstrike.
- any way to add splitscreen? (man, I would pay extra for this add on. this way , naysayers on splitscreen dont have to purchase.)

I love shooters, and what the developer has built here is an opportunity.

one that should be capitalized on.

Like killing dinos? great!
Zombies? Yes please.
Soldiers? maybe in the future.
Bots? maybe in the future.

Based on the Indie peers, this is a solid 7/10.

excellent minute to minute gameplay, even if you just want to kill something.

Needs more blood.


I sort of cheated, as I set up the controls on the pinnacle game profiler, and played it like call of duty. so I think it needs Controller support, because it handles so well with it.


God Bless.
Diposting pada 3 Januari 2016. Terakhir diedit pada 17 Maret 2016.
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My PC Specs (Used to use this Software)

Core I3
Gtx 760
6gb Ram

This Editor is awesome. I really enjoy the functionalty. I bought the game, and wondered why it wasnt included, as this should be one product. However, this is the gateway drug. You can actualy design something of Value, Though I am still fooling with it in bits and pieces, at least until more stuff is added. Buy the game, invest in the future product.

Pros of this free software...

-Limited, but EXCELLENT supply of textures
-As easy to use as Farcry Editors, but WAAAAYYYY easier.


-No scale model, So I cant exactly judge Door Heights and window heights
-No Test run (to figure out the flow of the map for real-time playthrough)
-Not enough textures (Brick, drywall,carpet, sand etc, missing)
-Should be able to "paint out" the structures instead of block by block. sure, you can copy and paste, and its fine, but the extra steps............

of course this is early, and I have my Wishlist

Wishlist for creation

-Weapons creation (planet explorers style of sorts)
-In editor play(to test)

Get it, play it, support the developer!

I have a few friends here on steam that would totally beast the workshop with the current tools.

As it is, 8/10

Room for improvement, on an otherwise excellent peice of software.
Diposting pada 26 Desember 2015. Terakhir diedit pada 26 Desember 2015.
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Intel core 2 duo, 4 gb, sli 260m

fps out of the box= 22-30fps average

I have officially played an hour, and I am convinced that this is money well spent!

This is extremely early. but its very playable.

Fun? YES!

My only personal qualms:
-I love my modern weapons, the blacklight look takes a bit of getting used to
-Comic book art is so far removed from the actual gameplay art....
-gun doesnt feel "attatched" like my arms are not pulliing the rifle butt to my chest, like its too far away.... hard to explain...
-scope zoom is excellent... but we dont need futuristic crosshairs...
-scope zoom needs to be completely blacked out on the outer edes, to simulate complete focus of the eye through the scope.

My personal loves;

everything else. the presentation, music, and universe is very interesting. I really feel like there is a "raven shield" vibe that lends seriousness to the high stakes iction in place.


-Solo mode, is fine. Multiplayer, let us rename our guys.
-A few more modern weapons

the levels are laid out awesome, and deaths dont feel cheap like the other game 505 is pushing.

so happy wit this. I will try on my other rig and add to this soon.

peace guys.
Diposting pada 20 November 2015.
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huge improvements! i wont review the game, but i believe in it!


-you can really see what the studio is doing
-the switch to udk is mind blowing. it works!
-imperfect framerate, but WAAAAAAYYYYY better
-Joypad works for looking and walking
-graphics are waaaay better


-cant adjust anything yet
-cant remap keys yet
-starting in boxers sucks. perhaps just start us in a hospital? that would make sense... maybe we can find a few supplies before we venture into the world.... would explain being ♥♥♥♥♥ lol

I know I dont have the chops to talk about the game, but you cant do much yet.

This game is an investment. Buy it, check up on it. I am elated that the team is undeterred.


the town was blocked off from the rest of the world. it will inrease framerates and allow them time to master the gameplay first. but I digress.

They know exactly what theyre doing. I cant wait to see this game a year from now.


i say with a heavy heart

this game is dead. i will update if this changes.
Diposting pada 14 November 2015. Terakhir diedit pada 14 November 2015.
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Tercatat 0.8 jam
I know that I dont have a lot of playtime logged, Mainly because I like playing fighting games with other people. But I feel I have to write this on a playthrough of the single player. Here goes.

This is definitely fan-service material, and the stars are easily recognizable enough to make the dream fights we all talked about when we were younger come to fruition.

OK, now for the gameplay.

TOTALLY COMPETENT. Its somwhere between Dead or alive and Karateka. Easy to play, thoughtful, but crazy ass spike in understanding the flow of fight between characters. Mainly because I'm a TEKKEN/Soul Calibur fighter, I can totally understand the allure of this fighting game style, but becuase the fighting styles are so vastly different, the hit boxes dont allow for a back and forth sway to the battles.

"what would you do to correct the game?"

I would not change much, but here is my list:

-Keep the blocking, but strikes and kicks could double as parries because meeting fist with fist would cancel the attacks, and counter the unbalances and disadvantages between the fighters. to keep it fair, add a parry meter that depletes as strikes connect, and blocking fills the meter.

-I appreciate the ability to create your own combos, but it just needs to be looser. because of the vast style differences, once the parry system is in place, the styles of the characters can flourish, as opposed to being stuck waiting for an opening. this would keep everyone using ALL of the characters, because bthe would be attacking, either in defense or offense. the parry meter would slow the fights down if the parries are used too much, causing the fighters to back down to relenish the bars.

- Street fighter 2 system in strikes. IE All Short atacks do the same damage, all Fierce attacks do the same damage. the net result would be faster characters would do primarily smaller damage, while stronger characters would do more.

-Action Movie Star Competition? Man, this should have been "enter the dragon 2" or something. Its already the ultimate fantasy, so Lets revisit the seriousness of the combat and the reasons why these guys fight. I appreciate the humor, but I would love to take this more seriously. All of the settings are there. but being the "best" is excellent. But every action hero had a back story, which could be explained with a piece of art and a story behind them. OOOHH SO MANY OPPORTUNITIES.

That said, I really enjoyed the game, and I cant wait to play it with my Brother. but he will say the same thing. "ALMOST HAD THE ULTIMATE GAME"

Graphics? EXCELLENT for this particular game, It could use some more animations when the game runs at 60fps, but the combat is more important. it needs to be fast and furious, so UNLOCK THOSE ANIMATIONS SO WE CAN MAKE OUR OWN ATTACKS.

I especially Liked the last boss, and if you look in the background, We all know who should have wont "the last dragon". Still, Bruce leroy would have been a cool unlock.

Overall, as it is, I highly recommend it, and I wish I could modify it to meet my needs, because this game basically is everything I ever wanted.Just not loose enough, but easily fixable with a patch. (smooth meaning, no consistent flow between fighters, and the fast strikers have an advantage over the method fighters, meaning nobody will pick the method fighters, Halving the roster of playables. ADD THE PARRY SYSTEM. HIGH BOCK HIGH, LOW BLOCK LOW.)

Buy it, enjoy the beats, and the graphics and the gameplay. If the creators go ack to it, it could be the best fighter out there, because as much as I love TEKKEN and other games like it, I LOVE THE CHARACTERS IN THIS ONE.

So as a fan of fighting games and a purist,


make the combat fixes



yeah I said it.

Diposting pada 24 Oktober 2015.
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this is the ultimate Kung fu movie simulation.

Maybe a sequel we get more than Stick figures? but as it is,

Diposting pada 18 Oktober 2015.
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Just a warning.

Hard to get into games.
Must buy stuff to compete.
you cant practice maps without instant dying.

thats if you can get into a game.

buy items for what?

wait for 16 players?

excellent graphics and gameplay. they should do a terrorist hunt mode or something....or survival.

im not knocking the game, just impossible to get good among people who are too good.

Diposting pada 16 September 2015.
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