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投稿日: 2014年12月13日 2時23分
更新日: 2014年12月13日 21時35分

Beta 0.5 review: So far, this game just told me I wasted my money on similar clones.

I love survival games. even if they reiterate a previous games successes. Enter Rising World. A cross breed of The Forest, and Minecraft (without the enemies yet, so a "creative" mode If You will.

(edit) the game still feels creepy with no enemies. (the forest creepy, which is good)

There isnt much to say, but Once you get it running (if you have any difficulties, just reboot windows) you will immediately see the potential.

Should you Buy Early?

Yes. we all love clones of games, then gravitate to the next best thing, but this one is special. it looks beautiful, runs smooth, and the fundamentals are completely on point. so I will just do plusses and Minus's...

+Great starting graphics
+start you off with tools so you can get going
+Earth molding plus minecraft building
+hunting livestock
+crafting tables/modern/classical decor
+excellent controls
+Super fun, awesome textures and more

++++Not even a day passed and they fixed the "no invert" (which was my complaint) God bless them!

-Biomes (of course they are coming, but this is for people who expect it)
-no story of how you got there (ok, for this game, I will just say I fell from heaven and will start a lodge of masonry)
-no projectile weapons yet
-the terrain is great, but a little too wild (not exactly realistic)
-when you kill animals, cant eat them or harvest from them but
+you can hide the bodies of animals which lead to AWESOME future gameplay

I really had to reach, as EVERY ONE of my problems will definitely be fixed one way or another,

Bonus Points:

you dont have to dig for Iron to test out everything in the game.

this by far has been the easiest game to get into, and you can see everything in an hour or so, but I defifnitely will play more, and my views are subject to change per update.

my personal score 8/10 (the potential is unbelievable.)
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