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发布于:2023 年 2 月 21 日 上午 11:55

Look, you see the time played, and don't know that I'm an old guy, who grew up on SOR and Final fight (to name 2 of the many). This is a cross between the two aforementioned, with the snaz and energy of some of the SNK franchises.

The graphics are FANTASTIC. The audio and feel is FANTASTIC. This developer "gets it". I mentioned my age range because I have a job and I can't sit down and beat it in a single sitting. Played it on hard, NO CONTINUES. 🤣 I love it!!

10/10 purchase.

Gripes? Bruh. Only 2 player co op(not 3)? Only 3 characters? I wish I could let that go, but it's like a missed opportunity.

DLC characters please. Then I'll let the only 2 player co op go 😉.

I don't know, I really like what this developer did. I can't wait to play this with my bro.
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