Vetrina degli screenshot
smcrzn- 10 mag 2016, ore 13:24 
Player is trash. AFK jungle vs a team that was gank heavy. 26 minutes in, he has boots and vlads. Blames the team for the loss and feeds. Trash tier dumbass.
Tease Babes彡 9 ago 2015, ore 19:19 
Player is trash. AFK jungle vs a team that was gank heavy. 26 minutes in, he has boots and vlads. Blames the team for the loss and feeds. Trash tier dumbass.
Kiwiman 5 mag 2015, ore 19:51 
This dude thinks he is good at at 3200 mmr LAWL
Chaya 22 mar 2015, ore 8:44 
Goo trade :D
Raxox 19 mar 2015, ore 20:48 
buen trade !
Mav 19 mar 2015, ore 18:37 
buen trade +rep