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Recent reviews by Schmalzi

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232.3 hrs on record (211.7 hrs at review time)
Wonder Womans Ass, daaaaamn
Posted 3 November, 2019.
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190.0 hrs on record (171.4 hrs at review time)
Ich könnte dieses Spielerlebnis niemals in einem kurzen Text zusammenfassen. Ich hatte schon so viele tolle, lustige und epische Momente in diesem Spiel. Wenn ich das ganze Spiel in einem Wort beschreiben müsste, würde dieses "AWESOME" sein.
Die Kurzfassung ist:
Tonnen an Loot, den er zu farmen gilt, eine Ausgezeichnete und Packende Story, sehr kreative und tolle Charaktere, mehrere Wege um gut durch das Spiel zu kommen. Sehr großer Suchtfaktor. Ah und nicht zu vergessen RAIDBOSSE!
Posted 4 July, 2019.
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491.7 hrs on record (154.4 hrs at review time)
This game offers so much to farm and level that i think i will never get to the point were I got every Frame, Weapon, Skins etc.

So now you might think "but when it has that much stuff you can farm most of it might be crap" but thats totally wrong. The developers put so much love in every item, that you will always find some new details you missed before, that makes you love the game even more and this effect stacks up infinitly. I'm feeling like its just inhaling my lifetime and every second of it is filled with fun or totally confusion by the overload of thoughts what to farm or do next to be as efficient as I can be atm
Posted 30 June, 2019.
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Showing 1-3 of 3 entries