Rae Piste
Goteborgs och Bohus Lan, Sweden
If the earth is not flat i will commit suicide
Tarafah 13 kwietnia 2019 o 2:39 
Tarafah 30 czerwca 2018 o 12:00 
I kinda get turned on by women being shot and killed in combat. Just imagining them staggering and whimpering from the pain, slumped against a tree or something, alone in the cold forest in a fierce firefight with blood going all down their legs and hands. Death has always given me a kind of boner ever since I was young, I didn't like watching movies with battles because when people died their death screams would give me a huge erection. I used to dryhump the ground when i was a kid playing "dead" during war games and when i got older and had a sexual awakening I realized I enjoyed thinking about female soldiers getting killed, or executed, imagining them quivering in fear and utterly helpless as their death approaches
Tarafah 30 czerwca 2018 o 12:00 
Hej min vän, det här är administratören av ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ™.
Vi har märkt att du inte har loggat in för 2 veckor, vi kontrollerar bara för att se att allt är okej med vår största fan. Sedan du besökte oss förra gången har vi uppdaterat Gay avsnittet med många videor vi vet att du kommer att njuta av. Ses snart!
Zinky § 30 maja 2018 o 3:42 
adda :D
HermenseN 20 lipca 2017 o 5:30 
colin 28 lutego 2016 o 7:54