Fraser   North Yorkshire, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
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Mike 29 Jul @ 4:47pm 
-rep kicked me from a game when he heard my smoke detector beep
Ramskill 25 Jul @ 2:40pm 
seen this guy in irl being extremely racist he is prone to whip any blacks if they get in his circumference
glitteryjedi 25 Jul @ 1:23pm 
This guy can't come up with a creative insult
Sm1thy56 23 Jul @ 2:16pm 
Met this guy on GTA RP, i was a white character and he was really nice to me but every player of an ethnic minority he was torturing and demanding real life submission in his basement and if not then would continue to scream racial slurs down the mic. I've seen pictures its a very dark place full of electric chairs and other torturing devices..........
Loopy 20 Jul @ 10:55am 
Slightly concerned about this guy, he told me how much of a fan he was of a nightmare on elm street that he started to wear a bladed glove and was applying for teaching positions at primary schools. I hope he stops idolising Freddy Kruger soon its starting to get pretty creepy, especially the way he talks about kids...
Sando 17 Jul @ 1:32pm 
Not only is this guy a cripplin racist, he is also a certified nonce that likes to prey on young, vulnerable boys for the hope that he gets to fill em up leaving them with lifelong trauma that leads to them topping themselves