76561198839227828 25 feb om 22:49 
一个人在电竞酒店无聊来找我聊聊天 做暖
Coirdin 9 feb om 11:48 
+rep another game, another win with you
Gosho 13 nov 2024 om 9:28 
+rep superb game sense
Gosho 23 mei 2024 om 12:10 
+rep USP magician
🟣Mightwarden🕹 8 mei 2024 om 12:01 
subaru and pagani 11 okt 2023 om 17:19 
[10:19 AM]
when u get water in ear just smash ur head on mattress 100 times
subaru and pagani 10 jul 2023 om 20:30 
1:29 PM
not mirage

Server Sydney
Map Mirage
subaru and pagani 13 jun 2023 om 19:44 
[12:43 PM]
i tell yo uwhat cs skins im going to get
subaru and pagani 1 dec 2022 om 16:37 
[10:37 AM]
i went to a punk gig on wednesday
and i got stage dove on about 10 times
subaru and pagani 19 okt 2022 om 21:06 
Australiastreet: haberflyingfish fan
subaru and pagani 25 aug 2022 om 7:11 
mds : tot
yea boi 索拉纳翻转 19 jun 2022 om 5:18 
added about asiimov on bitskins
76561198284802511 Verbannen van ruilen 18 feb 2022 om 18:35 
Sorry for wasting your time but as you can see I'm a katowice collector/reseller and I might be interested for your awp asiimov and for some reason I got some kind of cooldown from sending friend request.If you don't mind to add me so we can talk.
76561199161539798 3 feb 2022 om 0:00 
Sup! lets play CSGO💓
HappyDuckss 5 sep 2021 om 1:14 
j1zzys Verbannen van ruilen 23 jul 2021 om 1:23 
Hey bro, I am interested in your AWP Asiimov with Reason Holo Katowice 2014 stickers. Add me to talk please, I can send you trade offer.
awp asiimov
BRA1ZY 27 jun 2021 om 3:30 
added for trade
subaru and pagani 11 jun 2021 om 0:50 
i want spinach shoe
thedok69 29 mei 2021 om 23:56 
biopolar berratas
subaru and pagani 17 mei 2021 om 1:45 
michael spice man johnson
s 1 mei 2021 om 3:25 
michael spice man johnson
thedok69 27 apr 2021 om 5:38 
michael spice man johnson
thedok69 7 apr 2021 om 1:32 
thedok69 7 apr 2021 om 1:32 
*SPEC* rewind‎ : at wo;;aom bioesy
s 29 mrt 2021 om 6:03 
show spidok cam
doriSirod 6 mrt 2021 om 15:26 
hey tot ( ° ͜ʖ͡°)╭∩╮
Hugikus 6 mrt 2021 om 4:32 
hey, i cant send you friend request, so can you add me please? its urgent
subaru and pagani 5 mrt 2021 om 21:23 
I Like ❤️ My 🙅‍♂️🧢 Crumble 🍎🍠 With ➕ Some Custard 🍮. Need to 2️⃣ find My 🙅‍♂️🧢 Tempo 🎧🎧 Like DJ 🎶🎶 Mustard 🐎
rab 24 feb 2021 om 18:26 
guy below is probably a scammer given how copy and paste his profile looks, if you are looking to trade that awp talk to a trusted trader on twitter just so you get the most back for it. just tryna help.
Clxtchey 24 feb 2021 om 12:12 
Can i get a profile sign please? :)
Gavith 12 feb 2021 om 3:42 
hi, can you send me friend request? i cant add you, idk why
niko 20 jan 2021 om 0:39 
I'm also down to trade my karambit for your M9 and awp :)
subaru and pagani 19 jan 2021 om 3:01 
● *DEAD*(Terrorist) nexar‎ : M. Johnson (powerplay)
● *DEAD*(Terrorist) thedok69‎ : Shawty tell me, what's up? (Yeah, slatt)
● *DEAD*(Terrorist) thedok69‎ : Got some drank in my cup (Yeah, yeah)
● *DEAD*(Terrorist) thedok69‎ : Got my opp in my butt (Yeah, yeah)
niko 18 jan 2021 om 15:11 
guy below is probably a scammer given how copy and paste his profile looks, if you are looking to trade that awp talk to a trusted trader on twitter just so you get the most back for it. just tryna help.
76561198284802511 Verbannen van ruilen 16 jan 2021 om 7:49 
Hey,as you can see on my profile I'm collecting rare stickers and I might be interested for your awp asiimov and if you don't mind to add me so we can talk because for some reason I can't add anymore.
rab 19 dec 2020 om 9:02 
• ˚❆˛•˚ * 。❉ ˚ ˚ ˛❈˛ • ❄
• ˚Happy★* 。 • ❇ ˚ ˛❉˛*
❅✧Holidays!✲ 。* • ˚。 ❆
° ❉ ° ˛*˛❅ _Π_____*。*˚❈
˚ ˛❆˛•˚ */______/~\。˚ ˚ ˛
˚ ˛•˛• ˚ | 田田 |門| ˚❄
g'LOSS 20 nov 2020 om 5:33 
H3iski: missä o edes fake leak
cispiaud 1 nov 2020 om 7:40 
add me
76561199027656854 16 okt 2020 om 13:24 
add me pls
Delan 14 sep 2020 om 16:23 
ꜧ𝖊ᵧ 𝖋𝖊ɭɭ𝗮, ὶ ꜧ𝗮𝛎𝖊 𝖕ɭ𝗮ᵧ𝖊ď 𝗮𝖌𝗮ὶnş𝖙 ᵧᴏ𝓤 𝙧𝖊ⲥ𝖊n𝖙ɭᵧ 𝗮nď 𝕴 𝝎𝗮n𝖙 𝖙ᴏ ὶn𝛎ὶ𝖙𝖊 ᵧᴏ𝓤 ὶn 𝖒ᵧ 𝖕𝙧ᴏ𝖋𝖊şşὶᴏn𝗮ɭ 𝖊ş𝖕ᴏ𝙧𝖙ş 𝙧ᴏş𝖙𝖊𝙧 n𝗮𝖒𝖊ď ᴏ𝖋𝖋 ş𝖊𝖙, ⲥᴏ𝓤ɭď ᵧᴏ𝓤 ď𝙧ᴏ𝖕 𝖒𝖊 𝗮 𝖋𝙧ὶ𝖊nď 𝙧𝖊𝖖𝓤𝖊ş𝖙? 𝕴 ⲥᴏ𝓤ɭďn𝖙 ⲥᴏn𝖙𝗮ⲥ𝖙 ᵧᴏ𝓤
thedok69 11 sep 2020 om 5:11 
------------ NO TALKING PAST THIS POINT --------------
Ягон Дон 10 sep 2020 om 2:22 
add me for trade:lunar2020ratinablanket:
tekr 28 aug 2020 om 4:10 
Added about esea :)
76561199032429965 8 aug 2020 om 5:34 
+rep, nice person
can you send me a friend request?
thedok69 20 jul 2020 om 2:02 
Feiern - Solee lyrics
Lyrics are not yet available...
PUCK Tracker 1 jul 2020 om 7:29 
+rep Adding for trade
g'LOSS 25 jun 2020 om 7:07 
they are feeling thank you rn fellas - rew1nd-da-k1Ng
пинек 25 mei 2020 om 22:51 
added 4trade
g'LOSS 15 mei 2020 om 17:59 
rewind: it like "she belong to streets" but its "he belong to the puggers"
CyCy 12 mei 2020 om 15:08 
added for potential trade :)