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Spartan-B312 10/jan./2019 às 6:08 
Do you want some ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥? Then watch this video and enjoy. https://youtube.com/watch?v=k6J-dBKi_0w&t=3s
ADJ 29/jan./2017 às 16:58 
I sexually identify as the FitnessGram Pacer Test. Ever since I was a kid I dreamed of being a multi stage aerobic capacity test that progressively get more difficult as it continues. People tell me that a person can´t be a school fitness test but I don´t care, I´m beautiful. Every morning I wake up and tell myself "The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds". My running speed starts slowly but gets faster every minute. In school, every time I hear the bell I think "A single lap should've been completed, and if It isn't completed twice the test is over". From now on I want you to call me Fitness Gram and respect my right to run in a straight line and run as long as possible. If you can't accept that I am an aerobic capacity test then you're a testophobe and you need to check your running privelage. Thank you for being so understanding