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Recent reviews by Mike Hunt

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335.5 hrs on record (253.2 hrs at review time)
A good game ruined by greed. The game was alright before I could find people to play with in the non DLC game, but after they released "The Shadow of the Erdtree" DLC it split the community up into different game worlds, and now I can barely find any summon signs. And just like that it was the last game I ever bought from Fromsoft. Next time don't split your community up with DLC (especially considering it costs as much as the base game alone,) and maybe improve the online experience in general.
Posted 3 September, 2024. Last edited 3 September, 2024.
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405.8 hrs on record (48.1 hrs at review time)
Tried it on free weekend, and I was so tempted to buy it, since there are no other games like it, but it's the first time I have ever decided I would not buy a game due to game design being so poor, mainly because I refuse to buy a product that will eventually die or become free to play. Matching for 5 minutes every single time as victim is just plain annoying. Things as stupid as the "next game button" when finishing a game, puts you in queue as normal quick match which is for both victim and killer, but the problem is some players want to play victim only so you have a bunch of players who leave game because they didn't didn't mean to pick killer and still don't realize that button is actually quick play. Like wtf Gun. I'll buy the game once you fix the issues, because this ♥♥♥♥ is just plain stupid. Btw I told you all it would die on the steam discussions and none of you believed me. I want a refund.
Posted 9 April, 2024.
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820.8 hrs on record (269.0 hrs at review time)
I'm writing this review because this game doesn't deserve overwhelmingly positive reviews, nor does the management or development team. Although I understand this is a low budget indie title, if this was any other game the bugs alone would have bumped the rating down to a 7/10. with that in mind, I'm pretty sure the reviews for this game are all fake. It seems to be commonplace these days for discord admins/ owners and company owners themselves to permanently ban people for anything they want even if it's not breaking any rules nor moral codes. these admins have banned me for literally nothing, after I went to their discord server to provide feedback and let them know about blatantly obvious visual bugs like the one when you case a rail your board starts flickering in and out of existence, and sometimes even your characters legs disappears. This is not a game breaking bug by any means, but is extremely immersion breaking as it is quite obvious. When reporting these issues on their discord, I was greeted by some self proclaimed thousand hour Shredders players, who claimed because they have thousands of hours that there is nothing wrong with the game, and that I just needed to "Get good at the game." as if someone needs thousands of hours to be good at a game like this. These same people only had thousand hours in Shredders and nothing else, so it comes to show the lack of intelligence of these people, and their lack of experience with gaming in general. These guys will argue black is blue, whilst not even being able to understand the English vocabulary. The problem I reported to them was not that I cannot spin or do tricks, the problem is the controls are not consistent. Sometimes you try to do one trick and it will do another. The controls are just not fine tuned enough, as noted by many other players, but the devs will not change or fix this, because they don't want to upset the "O.G Players." there are many other issues with the game too, and I assume they will not fix them. Go play skate 3 and see how amazing those controls feel and then come back to this game. We don't want the control scheme changed necessarily although the ability to edit control schemes would be nice, we just want the controls fixed so they are more accurate. Also for the love of god please fix all the other bugs. You guys know as well as I do visual bugs are not the only bugs present in this game.
Posted 17 December, 2023. Last edited 17 December, 2023.
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1,767.8 hrs on record (1,120.8 hrs at review time)
Trust me don't do it. You'll regret the wasted time. It used to be a fun game back in the day, but the developers only listened to whining reddit killer mains and/or stupid people who thought their opinion mattered above everyone else's. The truth is, it used to actually feel like a survival horror game where you tried to escape the killer, and you actually stood a bit of a chance. Now it feels impossible to escape which leads to survivors running straight towards the killer just to get some action before either disconnecting or dying. this is also a problem introduced by the dumb archive events. (basically a battle pass.) it's a shame because this is one of the only populated 4 player asymmetric multiplayer survival horror games on the market, albeit a pretty trash one.
Posted 19 April, 2023. Last edited 19 April, 2023.
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269.4 hrs on record (227.9 hrs at review time)
I would have recommended this game, but I can't at this time. They done ♥♥♥♥♥♥ it up. The developers used to listen to the community, but now they have taken away the very feature that set this skate game apart from the rest, which is: Legacy Controls (Skate style controls, such as direction of movement of the player, controlled by your controllers stick as opposed to the bumper buttons.) They used to be a work in progress feature, and now they have completely removed it. This has been an ongoing battle with this community and the developers for the past 7 years this game has been in development, as majority try to say that this type of control scheme is not possible in a game like this, yet games like EA's Skate series have this feature built in from the ground up. Expecting people to have to use bumper buttons to control player movement is ridiculous and doesn't feel natural. On top of all this trying to voice this opinion on the community page will just result in an argument and then most likely a ban.

Like others have noted in the reviews, this game is not ready to be pushed out of early access yet. There are a lot of bugs/ features not even properly implemented. Also missing features originally promised. They first announced this game under a different name, like a decade ago, and it really hasn't changed much since then. It's kind of embarrassing considering it's made by a studio branched off of a well known skate brand like Creature, and now partnered with multiple other companies (Nacon etc.) How can the same problems be present after a decade, and then to top it all off release an alpha as full release, without any of the promised features? Normally I would be cautious buying from a studio that doesn't have a reputation developing any video games, but I as well as many others have actually talked to the developers face to face on the discord and they made all these promises and never actually delivered on majority of them. If that wasn't the case I would have refunded it. This is basically bait and switch tactics, which I guess is the norm in the game industry now a days. Maybe I'll change my review if any of these things change/ improve, but for now, I say wait for Skate 4.

Edit: This edit is because I cannot reply to the developers message for some reason: @Nacon This is the same argument that was told to us before, but I'm really curious, what more technical features does this game have, that Skate does not have? There has to be a better alternative there's just no way it's reasonable to force people to have to use bumpers, when we are talking about something as simple as a control scheme. That's a simple QoL improvement. I would understand if you had to re write the entire game code to change something, but this is literally as simple as allowing us to customize our own control scheme, and using dual keybinding to your advantage. You could also make it so the sticks arent used to control player direction at all times, and instead just until the player pops off the ground, which the sticks could then switch to being used for something else. I just dont see how this isn't possible in a sea of endless possibilities.
Posted 22 September, 2022. Last edited 23 September, 2022.
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A developer has responded on 23 Sep, 2022 @ 6:23am (view response)
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2,102.1 hrs on record (1,317.9 hrs at review time)
I wanted to leave this review, as it appears there is a lot of hate in regards to the update 2.0. It is an amazing update. It actually made the game tolerable again. I first started playing Squad when it first released and played quite a bit in those times, but over time the commodity wore off and it didn't offer what other games did at the time . For instance if I wanted to play arcade shooters I would go play Battlefield as it had/ has way better graphics and actual destructible environments etc. When the helicopter update came I picked it back up and started playing a lot, but only to fly helicopters and drive/ gun armored vehicles, then switch over to Tarkov to play infantry. 2.0 made the game way more realistic, and fun, which has now lead me to just playing this game whenever I want to play a tactical shooter. It even triumphed games I thought it never would like Tarkov which back in the day, I thought was as realistic as a game could ever be. I hope we can also get a vehicle/ stationary overhaul at some point too.
Posted 23 June, 2021. Last edited 2 October, 2023.
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0.9 hrs on record
The handling of the bike is terrible, the map design is terrible, the physics are terrible. the whole game is just ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ terrible and they aren't even trying to fix it. In fact this game is so ♥♥♥♥♥♥ it's not even worth my time writing about all the things that are wrong with this pile of ♥♥♥♥ game. If I had known I could have got a refund for games I would have refunded this. GG don't buy this.
Posted 29 January, 2017.
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544.6 hrs on record (23.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I can't believe how many bad reviews this game got. It's ridiculous. Espescially seeing all the complaints about things like speed and physics when in reality this game has WAY more realistic speed and physics than any other snow games out there like SSX Shaun White Snowboarding etc. All those games have horrible physics and DO NOT replicate real life snow sports what so ever. The funny thing is I have snowboarded all my life and didn't even care much for skiing, so I was dissappointed that snowboarding isn't in the game yet, but I went ahead and purchased anyways because I couldn't wait any longer since there are no other games out there like this one. Long story short this game actually made me like skiing for the first time ever in the 18 years of my life of being a snowboarder. I've also been waiting for a game like this forever literally. NO COMPANY has ever made a snow sports game so realistic. I needed a game like this so badly and it's finally here. So here's my review:


- Very realistic physics. (Speed going uphill is a little bit off when tucking since you barely slow down but is not a problem because it allows you to find more lines. Going downhill is perfect. Please do not change it devs, do not listen to idiots.)

- All tricks are realistic as well. (You can finally cork your spins. Never have I ever played a snow game that I could actually pull a double cork 10 that looks exactly like it's done in real life. In Shaun White Snowboarding the closest thing to a cork is a rodeo...no corking was implemented in that game... like wtf.)

- Real life brand clothing and gear replicas. (Armada, Head, etc.)

- Real life event replicas. (Nine Knights, Jon Olsson Invitational, etc.)

- Real Life sponsers. (Red Bull, Monster, etc.)

- Vast mountains to explore, and I mean it. The current mountain Sialia actually takes about 10 minutes real life time to get from top to the bottom at full speed making it very realistic. Also this mountain is ski - able in all directions, North, East, West, and South. Each direction has different types of terrain, including a terrain park, my favorite, that takes about 4 minutes to get down.

-Lots of cool different lines you can take. The whole mountain has lines hidden away for you to find. Above I mentioned the terrain park which has multiple different directions you can take that lead you into different parts of the terrain park and back into the same parts if you wish. The choice is yours as there are so many variations to this terrain park it's truly endless fun.

-Legit first person view (It literally looks like real life in first person view when you're corking a spin.)

-Free 2 play coming soon. (People complaining about microtransactions yet the whole base game is free. The only thing you get if you buy into the microtransations is cosmetics and vanity. You don't gain any advantages to your character in terms of speed, power, or skills. NO PAY2WIN here. The skill is in the players hands.

-Devs are super friendly and helpful and respond very fast to any problems or bug reports. (I submitted a bug report and got a response within the first day and then I responded again because I didn't give accurate information and they responded within minutes.) Most importantly they actually listen to their community.


-Few bugs. (Sometimes your character bails even though he landed perfectly, which happens very rarely like 2 times in a 4 hour session. Not a big deal) (Skiing switch in first person is a little buggy since the shoulder gets in the way when tucking. Not a big deal.) Sometimes when you spawn on a drop point you get stuck until you respawn again. (Not a big deal.) (Games crashes in multiplayer sometimes as well as desyncs, which kind of pisses me off but I sent in a ticket and devs noted these crashes and are working on fixing them, also new servers are coming very soon.)

-Price of gear is just a little bit expensive but I have no problems with this at all since there is no advantage to owning this stuff. The game is free on January 27th and I will buy some just to support the devs. Obviously they can't just work for free.

-Not enough advertising. I really want to see this game succeed but I only heard about this in December, yet it's appearently been out for 3 years now. I had to search deep to find this it was literally like digging for gold and hitting the jackpot. I was stuck with all these other ♥♥♥♥♥♥ games for 3 years when I could have been playing this.


If you are like me and are looking for a snow sports game that actually replicates real life skiing and snowboarding, then this is the game you're looking for. This is the game you have been waiting your whole life to play, but couldn't because it was buried in a search engine full of bullsh*t. Do yourself the favour and don't waste cash on all these mainstream AAA garbage games made in China. You'll just come right back here realizing how much of an idiot you were to even bother looking at them.

Hope you guys find my review useful. Thanks.
Posted 19 January, 2016.
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