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Останні рецензії користувача Error404Aimnotfound

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1 людина вважає цю рецензію корисною
2,780.9 год. загалом (2,572.2 год на момент рецензування)
The game, as in the gameplay itself, is really good and the only thing on the market that hits the niche betweem sim and arcade. This game is ruined by an unfriendly in game economy which punishes you for using certain vehicles, and absolutely disrepects your time as a player. I have 2,572 hours as of my review and have spent around... 200 bucks in my 6-7 years of play and i've reached the beginning of high tier in 3 nations and top tier in 1. This is even after buying about 3 years of premium time during sales and picking up some premium vics on sale. I'm constantly broke and can't progress at top tier because I gain research faster than I do SL. I pop down to lower tiers to make money but it just limits me from playing what I actually want to play in the game and it's just frustrating
Додано 22 травня 2023 р..
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