Leckerbissen~ 2021. nov. 22., 12:29 
Thank you, Julie Sergueïevna It's a game, get over it and stop crying
P Addict = Kicked 2021. nov. 22., 11:00 
You ruined not only my progress, but other's too. Casual gameplay should be competitive, but little bit lower. But casual gameplay shouldn't ruin other's fun (not talking about killing friendlies or being tryhard). Casual doesn't mean free for all. And you literally ruined our's team fun. Now stop being a ♥♥♥♥♥
Leckerbissen~ 2021. nov. 21., 5:31 
Thank you, Julie Sergueïevna Taking Capture the flag that serious is kind of sad, I mean if you wanna cap go on and cap but if others wanna play ctf (The least competetive mode in tf2) silly then you should accept that, stop crying about it and play competitve/any other mode that isn't ctf. Even another map than 2fort would be more understandable (cuz stuff like turbine is more competiteve) but my guy. It's a game, that you were playing in casual mode and now you are crying that someone played it casually
P Addict = Kicked 2021. nov. 20., 13:58 
-rep ruined entire game. Lost because brought back ebemy intel.
Sock eater 2021. szept. 29., 12:56 
♥♥♥♥♥♥ surviver who let me die, -rep
JimmyLTE 2021. aug. 30., 0:56 
Fun to play goofyGoober with you!
KING OF SH*T 2021. febr. 17., 6:48 
-rep toxic player :steamsalty:
Dread Maiden 2021. jan. 22., 13:18 
+rep great survivor
girl in red enjoyer 2020. szept. 6., 12:46 
+rep p100
TUNNELEH 2020. jún. 9., 5:32 
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Schmittze😼 2020. jún. 8., 11:23 
you are soo bad HAHAHAHAHAHHA I will ♥♥♥♥ your mum
SlenGenn 2020. jún. 8., 11:22 
hhaha you bot killer only tunnler and camper
SaprakYarması 2020. máj. 9., 5:08 
u mother suck my ♥♥♥♥ [DBD]
Mister J 2020. ápr. 29., 16:48 
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ trash who use voice chat to get advantage in DBD. Without your friend who boost you u will not reach your rank
Lana Del Rey 2020. ápr. 12., 16:35 
J4N3K 2020. márc. 29., 8:42 
dc? xd
Stessia 2018. dec. 27., 12:53 
creepy stalker kid
fusselrulezz 2018. jún. 2., 4:24 
haha noob