Ніхто ще не оцінив цю рецензію як корисну
0.0 год. за 2 тижні / 69.2 год. загалом
Додано: 21 берез. 2023 о 23:29

This is another game I wish there was a 1-10 rating on and not just a yes or no. When you add up everything, it ends up as a "meh"

The positives:
It was clearly designed for fans and has a billion easter eggs hidden and not so hidden for a constant stream of tiny joygasms upon finding the nuggets of lore.
A decent storyline and sidequests that link into the final summary of the ending
Decent visuals
The ability to let Hufflepuffs be heroes, Slytherins be honorable and Gryphindors sling death curses at unicorns.

The lowest graphics setting tended to max out my NVIDIA's GPU. WIthout the absolute latest (and most expensive) hardware, you are going to have some trouble with running it.
Zero replayability. Regardless of what house you choose, there is no story variation.
Too much of the game was designed around visuals and fans going "ooh" and "aaah" about lore elements and not around solid RPG gameplay. Having a flying animal mount is completely pointless, the collection and explore quests give virtually zero real reward beyond gear you don't need and will sell for money you don't need etc.

Overall I'd rate it just above a "no" and that's mostly for the fans. It really is a pretty game with an amazing visual layout of all the places you've always wanted to explore in the Wizarding world...it just winds up being a story with a game shoe-horned into it and not a true RPG.
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