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160.7 hrs on record (81.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
It's a decent game so far. It's procedural generation method reminds me a lot of how the Palworld map was made.

The game *really* needs settings that allow crafting timers to go faster. If you're not playing on a server that's always up, waiting two and a half hours for a run of seedlings to process...then waiting for them to grow is just painful. I've had to leave my game running overnight on more than one occasion to allow crafting ques to finish.
Posted 13 June, 2024.
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255.9 hrs on record (17.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I wanted to hate this game, I really did. It is everything everyone says it is, Poke'-Ark...Arkymon?

It's built on the bones of abandoned games and crushed players dreams for those games...but it's a solid, fun game.

Which is why I got it before Nintendo shuts the sales down. Hopefully it'll still function locally after all the official servers get bombed by lawsuits.
Posted 31 January, 2024.
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1,723.3 hrs on record (1,722.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review

Tried reinstalling the game to give it a good solid try again. Unless you've actively kept up with the changes and are already familiar with it's dynamics, coming into the game at this point is pointless. Even on a world meant for new players you will get left behind as cities and federations are formed on day one by players speedrunning things (this isn't much different than in the past, just with new mechanics I haven't learned yet).
Posted 19 December, 2023. Last edited 21 July, 2024.
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A developer has responded on 25 Dec, 2023 @ 6:02am (view response)
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1.3 hrs on record
Early Access Review
This is what it would look like if Rust and Ark had a lovechild that had special needs.

Much of the art and animation looks like it was directly ripped from Ark (even the wake up scene is only missing the wrist gem). The map is even an Ark like island that somehow is also extremely similar to the Rust maps with highway trash to loot.

With plenty of time spent in Ark, Rust, Conan and a few others of the kind, the first impression I got from this was unenthusiastic and went to uninstall when there were no instructions on leveling or spending points in a system that's just close enough to the others to make you think you know how it works but different enough that it took some time to figure out where to click to actually progress in the tech tree.

Overall it looked too much like Ark for me to want to keep playing, having gone through *that* game's early access pains for too long to be interested in a knock off variant's attempt at it.
Posted 18 November, 2023.
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1.8 hrs on record (0.6 hrs at review time)
On the console I've got hundreds upon hundreds of hours, played through all the dlc's (Old World Blues being my favorite) and honestly love the game, so when I saw it on Steam on sale for a few bucks I grabbed it up.

The only problem is it won't launch on Windows 10. Everyone knows the game is a little buggy (every Bethesda game is) and I expected to have to close out and relaunch at specific places where it would *always* freeze upon entering a specific building or zone, and this I was ok with...but not even launching all is a deal breaker.

I followed several guides to try to get it sorted but eventually had to uninstall and get a refund while I still had time to do so.
Posted 23 October, 2023.
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69.2 hrs on record
This is another game I wish there was a 1-10 rating on and not just a yes or no. When you add up everything, it ends up as a "meh"

The positives:
It was clearly designed for fans and has a billion easter eggs hidden and not so hidden for a constant stream of tiny joygasms upon finding the nuggets of lore.
A decent storyline and sidequests that link into the final summary of the ending
Decent visuals
The ability to let Hufflepuffs be heroes, Slytherins be honorable and Gryphindors sling death curses at unicorns.

The lowest graphics setting tended to max out my NVIDIA's GPU. WIthout the absolute latest (and most expensive) hardware, you are going to have some trouble with running it.
Zero replayability. Regardless of what house you choose, there is no story variation.
Too much of the game was designed around visuals and fans going "ooh" and "aaah" about lore elements and not around solid RPG gameplay. Having a flying animal mount is completely pointless, the collection and explore quests give virtually zero real reward beyond gear you don't need and will sell for money you don't need etc.

Overall I'd rate it just above a "no" and that's mostly for the fans. It really is a pretty game with an amazing visual layout of all the places you've always wanted to explore in the Wizarding world...it just winds up being a story with a game shoe-horned into it and not a true RPG.
Posted 21 March, 2023.
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58.3 hrs on record (15.6 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Honestly it's the best $3 I've ever spent on a game. It's exactly what it claims to be, nothing overly complicated, just wading through enemies as you gain power to kill more and more.

Each round only lasts half an hour, so if you don't have a lot of time to get involved with a serious game and just need to relax your brain a bit, this is great. The last two or three mins of a round can be a little stressful sometimes, but it'll all be over soon lol.

I've put far more hours into this simple, beautiful game than I originally ever planned to and have pretty much capped everything out...then the dev came out with another update.

Seriously, best $3 game ever.
Posted 24 April, 2022.
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3 people found this review helpful
62.8 hrs on record (42.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
This is a prime example of why to be wary of games in Early Access: long waits 'till the next content release and wondering *if* there will ever be another content release.

To be fair, it is a fun, chill game you can relax with and play for hours...until you've done everything there is to do several times over and are left with a huge "to be continued" hanging in the air.

All in all, I've enjoyed my time on the raft, however I'm no longer going to be holding my breath waiting for that next update, and I'm a little sad I've invested so much effort into a game that seems like it's never going to be finished.
Posted 13 October, 2021.
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2 people found this review helpful
1,400.9 hrs on record (397.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Clearly factorio inspired but with an end goal and 3D mechanics of having to figgure out your factory layout on a sphere instead of a completely flat grid.

It's still getting updated and the Dev's seem to be sticking with it (unlike a lot of other EA's that get dropped two weeks after release).

One of the best EA purchases I've ever made, hands down.
Posted 19 February, 2021.
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2,803.1 hrs on record (305.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
After hundreds of hours of play, and a long ago posted positive review, the Devs sent me an E-mail asking me to review the game. Again. I assume this was sent as a mass message to all the players in hopes of drumming up positive feedback. Beware what you wish for.

I have been playing Legion TD since it was a WC3 map and the steam version since before it was paid. If I was required to pay for the game today, I'd simply uninstall it. It's tollerable as a free to play game, but if I wanted to pay for toxicity, abuse and frustration I'd look at Blizzard products.

Primary reasons for changing my previous positive review to negative:

- The toxicity hasn't gotten better. The higher you climb in the ranks, the worse it gets. The lower ranks are filled with great players who are just there to have fun and don't really care much about winning big or progression, or are just learning still. Manage to win too much though, and you'll be faced with a barrage of bs that will remind you of the worst of Fortenight or Rust.

- The new 1v1 match is a great concept, if matchmaking wasn't completely cluster-f'd. Over the few days I've played, there have been multiple instances of going against the same player several times in a row. Which is fine if you are evenly matched in skill, and better if you're winning, but to the one who's losing to the same person over and over, it just makes it not worth playing. Eventually your ranking drops so low that you'll start playing other people who are supposedly closer to your level...till you start trouncing on them over and over, then go back to the same person who was just beating on you before.

- A lack of autotranslate or more robust communication feature. With a game that is this global with so many players in other countries, the very limited in game flywheel communication system doesn't allow much in the way of strategy or understanding between a very diverse player group, and will usually lead to misunderstanding, irritation and repeated lack of victory.
Posted 29 September, 2020. Last edited 9 January, 2022.
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