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Análises recentes de Fritzy (L3878677)

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588.9 horas registradas (585.3 horas no momento da análise)
It's alright, I'd say it's worth playing just to see what it's all about, because the concept of a 2D fighting game that is turn-based is novel idea worth seeing in action.
However I don't think this game is worth investing a large amount of time into honing your skills with it, here are the reasons I believe so.

(Please note I don't play with or against any modded characters so this review will be focused entirely on the vanilla side of the game)

1. There is, for all practical purposes, NO tutorial in the game itself.

In other games this wouldn't be so bad, because if you've played similar games before you'll understand what's happening after fiddling around with the game a little bit. However YOMIH is a unique game, there are no others that play like it (to my knowledge) and for such a game to do almost absolutely nothing at teaching the player how to play the game is really bad. You can hit the question mark in the top left corner of the window for a VERY broad explanation about some of the UI elements but that's as far as "help" in this game goes, it's the deep end for you regarding everything else.

This makes the game frustrating when your new because you're probably just going to go into a match not knowing how anything works. You then get your butt kicked by the other guy who knows what a "free cancel" is and just waited for you to burn both of them before punishing you on reaction when you whiff your third move which you for "some reason" suddenly have to sit through a recovery animation for.

The skill gap between those who "know" and "don't know" is massive in a game like this which leads me to my next point...

2. No MMR or SBMM feature

There exists a mod (several I think) for this but since it's not in the game by default I'm not going to count it as a point in favour of the game. Also very little people have the mod anyway so good luck finding someone of your skill level using it at the same time you are.

If you're just joining lobbies and fighting random people you could be up against anyone. From a fresh install to some big bad veteran who's honed the art of pulverising kids who want to try out the funny stick-man fighting game. I think this makes the learning process even more frustrating because when you start out you're almost guaranteed to run into people who are doing things you can't wrap your head around yet.

Okay then, fine, if the game isn't going to tell you how to play we can just Google it! Well...

3. There is very little "relevant" information online

There IS some information online, some youtube videos that tell you how to play but the problem is that these guides get outdated pretty quickly. This game isn't THAT popular so there just isn't that much content being made on the game to keep up with the ever changing landscape of the game (though it has been pretty quiet recently).

Fine, we have no other option then, we're going to have to join... the DISCORD server.

4. The community is... well... uhh...

Okay the people in the community aren't bad people, they look down their noses at people a little though.

If you go into the official discord server, YOMI Learn or any of the relevant character discords asking for advice you've got an... okay chance of someone experienced writing you an essay on how to play your character (half the time you'll get a sarcastic/joke remark though) which is alright.

Though I feel as though a lot of the time these explanations assume a certain level of competency from the other person. Like you're already good with another character and are trying out another now, so you'll need to be careful that you aren't unaware of any crucial elementary details (like purple FC's, block advantage, etc).
For example if you ask how to combo with cowboy, people will tell you to do t3c's and backslash sweet spots which are the optimal moves to do in a cowboy combo. But this is pretty tough for someone just starting out when you don't even know about frame advantage or what moves are terrible and will just drop your combo or bottle-neck it in the first place.
I think It's weird to assume that people already know stuff in a game where knowledge is so hard to come by.

Also god forbid you post a replay of your dumb-ass there, you will be torn to SHREDS. The YOMIH discord community aren't very subtle with their wording, they seem to believe in a more "direct" approach. Doubly so if you show any sign of confidence in your play skill, they'll make sure to humble you, you can be sure of that.
But this is fine, they are still teaching you how to play in the end of course, just know it's not for the the faint of heart.

Digging for information can still be a chore even when you take all that into account though, a lot of character tech isn't in any easy place to find, it's not always pinned and ones that have been are more often than not, again, outdated.

You'll have to know what you're looking for to find it.

What's that? How are you supposed to know about the super secret cowboy tech that allows you perform grounded moves in the air without the use of meter that's named after an expired dairy product which is confusingly also now a built in mechanic in the game because the developer couldn't patch it out? You're guess is as good as mine.

Oh you can also ask for games here which can be a good way to learn and get advice but again, if they're a person in the discord server they are likely leagues above you so you're probably not going find any people on equal footing, that easily anyway.

So let's say you're fine with all that and you start getting into the groove. You know your game plan, what your best options are in a variety of different situations and character tech that give you disgusting OSC's (One Sided Coin) to absolutely CRUSH your opponent. Now THIS is where things get interesting... right?

5. High level game play is kind of dull

The nature of the game YOMIH makes the "optimal play" in pretty much every situation to take the least amount of risks possible. What this leads to is very slow games, you kind of just stand around hovering in and out of your opponents effective range sizing each other up or tossing projectiles/setup options at each other until someone messes up and gets put into disadvantage. If you and your opponent are good you can expect a match to go on for a pretty long time, especially in tournaments.

The winner is the person who minimised their risks better or the person who guessed right in RPS more than the other.
Apparently people who are good at the game are okay with this.


Not so much.

It takes alot of patience to sit through a losing game that takes ages to end, or to check all of your opponents threatening options every turn and then guess wrong on RPS to get hit by something that you knew about but just had to accept the risk of getting hit by when you locked in. It makes sense that some people say that this is isn't a fighting game, it's more like a game of chess if I could compare it to something.


YOMIH is a game worth playing, it's cheap and has identity thanks to its unique game play, plus I assume you can get a lot of mileage with mods to keep things interesting (not that I'd know). However because of how difficult and tedious it is to come across information to learn how to play the game at a reasonable level, and the fact that high level game play isn't very riveting due to it's slow nature, I can't recommend becoming invested into this game competitively.
Publicada em 22 de fevereiro. Última edição em 22 de fevereiro.
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1.7 horas registradas
Nice short little horror game, there's not much content but the game-play loop is simple and well executed, sick ending too.

I'd recommend you'd give it a try but just know that the pipes will always win.
Publicada em 4 de janeiro.
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15.5 horas registradas
It's okay,
I'd say Momodora: Moonlit Farewell is a harmless game at worst, decent at best.

If you liked Momodora: Reverie under the moonlight then there's a good chance you'll be able to get some enjoyment out of this game, but if you didn't then this game probably won't change your mind.

The graphics are definitely the strongest point of this game, infact it kind of carries it, it's really good, the sprites look great and the animations especially on Momo are very nice looking too. However the rest of the game isn't really anything to write home about, the story, characters, music and gameplay are all kinda meh.

The characters all talk with a kind of stiffness that feels unnatural, it reads like a badly translated story lacking certain nuance but at the same time... it doesn't feel like it's translated? I don't know it's kinda weird, I'm not sure what language this game was original written in, but if it was English then oof (I played in English and switched to Japanese part way). I didn't hate or even dislike any of the characters per-say but none of them really stuck out to me. They're all just fine or passable.

The story builds on the established lore of the Momodora series and there are even some call backs to older games events and that's pretty cool. But the overarching story doesn't really evolve past a "villain of the week" kind of formula, it's kinda straightforward until the very end. Again, it's not bad, but not great either, it's just fine.

I didn't really take note of the music, it's mostly atmospheric, I probably couldn't give you an opinion on it even if my life depended on it, it's just kinda there.

The gameplay isn't that different from Reverie under the moonlight. It's a metroidvania, you've got a map, you look for items sprinkled throughout the world to get stronger blah blah blah all that stuff. The most interesting things you'll find are sigils which are like perks that you can have a set number active at any given time by selecting them from the ones you have. I'd say this is the biggest addition from the last game and it's definitely the best, being able to mix and match sigils is kinda fun. However aside from sigils nothing else is really different, you'll probably end up using the same few sigils over the course of your adventure too.
As for the combat, it's the same as last time, you whack things with your 1-2-3 melee combo, roll to dodge and sometimes shoot things with arrows. There isn't much or any variety in how you choose to take on enemies, you'll be doing that the whole game. There are some unique moves that activate out of a dash but they aren't really anything to write home about. Later in the game you get a dragon install and I was so freaking hyped about it when I got it, but it mostly ended up being a means to travel kinda faster from place to place while using less stamina, I didn't really use it in combat other than to dodge some things with the higher double jump. It's a tiny bit more interesting than last time but nothing game changing really, all in all it's the same gig as Reverie under the moonlight.

To summarise, again, great looking game, "meh" everything else but overall it's still not bad, I'd say I can still recommend this game despite all that. If you want to give it a try I'd say wait for a sale before grabbing it.
Publicada em 26 de abril de 2024. Última edição em 26 de abril de 2024.
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154.1 horas registradas
Going fast is fun.
Publicada em 22 de junho de 2020.
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1,846.4 horas registradas (669.3 horas no momento da análise)
Hi I'm an avid monster hunter player and I take this game very seriously.

My hunting party usually consists of:
A dude playing with his horn who really wants you to stand in his stamina cap increase aura fields.
Some weirdo flying around with his cockroach tooth pick spamming "ima fckim up".
And a guy who shows up to play sometimes but carts all the time.

Me? I'm a sword & shield connoisseur who likes to bang monsters, like really, I like to do it against the wall usually, but when I can I'll get two and bang em into each other, if I'm really lucky I'll get to bang one in it's sleep, have you tried it? It feels great. but sometimes I get too into it and I'll try to bang it without assessing the situation and the monster will knock me off, it's really annoying when that happens so I like to dress up in a golden cloak so I can do it without consent.

Wait I was supposed to talk about sword & shield?

Well when I'm not busy looking for an opening in the monsters face where I can cram as much of my slinger ammo into. I like to try and ride the monsters, but they don't seem to like that either (must be a tsundere), so I have to encourage them by gently stroking their backs, dodging all attempts to get me off, of course when your a monster hunter veteran like me (trust me I played "MH Diary: Poka Poka Felyne Village G" before playing this game) all attempts to resist are futile and before long they will give in and their face will be kissing the floor and if it's multiplayer they'll get to take all 4 of us at once, pretty cool right? Well it is aslong as you all share nicely, remember you can do it in more spots on its body than one, doing the same spot is g*y and you'll knock each other over.

What do you mean that had nothing to do with sword & shield?

All right all right, SnS, well loops are pretty fun to do when you're not doing the other two things I mentioned earlier and can do pretty good elemental damage, perfect rush does stupid amounts of damage for a light weapon and feels satisfying to land (although missing the last hit is like getting your teeth kicked in). It's light quick and easy to dodge out of when things don't go as planned, huh?, oh I was talking about your mother in the last part.

Anyway it's a good game, I recommend it with friends, if you triple cart you're gay, happy hunting!
Publicada em 15 de agosto de 2018. Última edição em 6 de outubro de 2022.
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14.1 horas registradas
probbably one of the best JRPG's I've played out there.
Publicada em 23 de setembro de 2017.
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8.2 horas registradas (8.1 horas no momento da análise)
This game is truly extraordinary

I wish i could talk about it more but just like alot of other games the less you know the better so i'll just say that this game is great, one of my favourite games of all time and if you're going to play it try not to know anything about it so you can immerse your self with the game because that way you can get the best experience out of it.
Publicada em 31 de março de 2017. Última edição em 30 de abril de 2021.
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1,739.1 horas registradas (908.4 horas no momento da análise)
I think it's good, If you can put up with somethings which can vary from some bugs to the players you meet. Not much I can or want to say about this game other than that I enjoy it a lot and find the flaws within the game to be something that isn't worth wrapping your brain around. You'll usually hear your self criticising the game constantly after a certain point but maybe coming back to it all the time regardless. It didn't take me too long to realise that I'm coming back to it because I enjoy the game at its core and that I just need to stop complaining and enjoy whats there and that's what I think the key to enjoying this game is. You might not have the patience to put up with the problems like I did so If you expect good developer support from all games then I'd say give this a pass, unless you're chill about whatever happens in game and to the game.
Publicada em 27 de janeiro de 2017. Última edição em 26 de março de 2019.
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There isn't a better back to the future mod in the world.
Publicada em 22 de maio de 2016.
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93.5 horas registradas (36.2 horas no momento da análise)
good game.

Publicada em 21 de fevereiro de 2016.
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