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3 av 30 (10%) prestationer uppnådda:
Personliga prestationer

Die Hard (Bruce Willys is bald too, you know)

Finish an entire Last Man Standing game without dying
Upplåst 3 maj, 2019 @ 0:09

Last Wish

Kill a player while dead
Upplåst 3 maj, 2019 @ 0:12

Don’t move or they’ll see you!

Stand still for 15 seconds
Upplåst 3 maj, 2019 @ 0:16

Full House

Play with 3 friends

Rainbow Coalition of Carnage

Play practice mode as every porcunipine

Travelling Porcunipine

Visit every arena in the game

Gather ‘round, kids!

Kill 5 or more enemies with a single shot

Fast and Furious

Kill the fastest wolverine

The Number

Collect a total of 666 skulls in the practice mode
8 / 666


Win a team game without ever killing your teammates


Win a game against a team of 3


Play as Blue porcunipine in Team Red or as Red porcunipine in Team Blue

The Red Devils

Collect 500 skulls playing for team Red
0 / 500

The Blue Whales

Collect 500 skulls playing for team Blue
0 / 500


Win a round of Last Man Standing without killing anyone

My precious

Win a Last Man Standing game without ever breaking your helmet

The Ultimate Play

Make a 3 players combo kill in Last Man Standing and win the round


Play one minute in the Arena mode without collecting any skulls and dying

Mine is bigger

Win an Arena game with at least 10 skulls more than the other players

John Connor

Win an Arena game against 3 bots


Kill all 4 players (yes, including yourself) with a single shot

Randomly checked

Kill the Blue porcunipine 100 times


Kill a player 10 times by bouncing a shot off a rock
0 / 10

Mummy said so

Die inside the Pyramid


Make 2 close calls on different players with a single shot

Land ho!

Stand in the snow area for 15 seconds straight in the Ice Age level


Activate switches 100 times in a round

Chinese eyes

Get stoned by a falling boulder at 4:20 pm

Ludum Dare!

Reach 48 hours of play time
1,592 / 172,800

Ok, go play outside now

Earn every achievement in the game