Peliaika viimeisen 2 viikon aikana:

Näytä maailmanlaajuiset saavutustilastot
Tilastojen vertailu omiisi vaatii kirjautumista
13/18 (72%) saavutuksista avattu:
Henkilökohtaiset saavutukset

One Hand Clapping

Win a hand.
Avattu 14.9.2014 klo 18.57

I Tournament to Do That

Win a tournament.
Avattu 16.9.2014 klo 14.48

We'll Drink to That

Purchase a drink.
Avattu 15.9.2014 klo 18.23

Deck the Halls

Purchase a deck.
Avattu 26.12.2015 klo 9.01

Felt Up

Purchase a felt.
Avattu 26.12.2015 klo 10.14

Chip on Your Shoulder

Purchase a set of chips.
Avattu 20.9.2014 klo 19.21

Border Crossing

Activate the Borderlands deck, felt, and chips simultaneously.
Avattu 15.9.2014 klo 18.17

Army Surplus

Activate the Army of Darkness deck, felt, and chips simultaneously.
Avattu 26.12.2015 klo 10.14

Orb 'n' Legends

Win Brock's bounty item.
Avattu 7.2.2015 klo 20.48

Trophy Wife

Win Claptrap's bounty item.
Avattu 23.9.2017 klo 13.00

Book 'Em

Win Ash's bounty item.
Avattu 16.9.2014 klo 14.48

Banjo Hero

Win Sam's bounty item.
Avattu 15.8.2015 klo 21.53

Personality Goes a Long Way

Win GLaDOS's bounty item.
Avattu 24.9.2017 klo 7.03

Joint Venture

Activate the Venture Brothers deck, felt, and chips simultaneously.

Sam to the Max

Activate the Sam & Max deck, felt, and chips simultaneously.

This Was a Triumph

Activate the Portal deck, felt, and chips simultaneously.

We Are the 1%

Achieve a lifetime balance of one million dollars.

Unlock all the Things

Unlock all decks, felts, and chips.