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Análises recentes de Rice Head

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Please UNHEAR about the CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED MMORPG FINAL FANTASY XIV with an EXPANDED FREE TRIAL which you can play the entirety of A REALM REBORN and the award winning HEAVENSWARD expansion up to level 60 for FREE with no restrictions on playtime our SERVERS CANT TAKE IT
Publicada em 17 de julho de 2021. Última edição em 18 de dezembro de 2021.
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28.7 horas registradas (5.8 horas no momento da análise)
I love this game but be warned, you might crash A LOT while playing. I crashed at least like five times in under six hours of playtime, losing over an hour of progress, and what makes this worse is that there's no auto saving and no saving during a dungeon. Stick to the PS Vita version if you own that.
Publicada em 3 de julho de 2021.
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27.5 horas registradas (2.7 horas no momento da análise)
Rainbow Six SIege is an excellent mulitplayer game with tons of customization and great competitive gameplay. There are many operators that suit multiple playstyles so many people can have a good learning experience upon their first time launching the game. I had the game day one on xbox and got it for PC on Xmas 2015 and had put around a couple hundred of hours into it. Although this game is great there is a couple issues that REALLY need to be addressed. Here's the cons/issues..


-Hitreg can be REALLY bad at some points since you can hit a clean headshot but doesn't register on your screen and the enemy player will probably kill you instead

-The game could get buggy with glitched reload animations and sometimes wall breaching that makes you fall out of the map

-Ash's headshot hitbox is sometimes just non-existent

-Ranking system can be flawed in higher levels of play, in Platinum elo, the MMR gain can be VERY miniscule and impossible to climb and you'll lose more than what you gain

Ok with the bad things out of the way with the game, here's the good things that make Siege a great game


-The tactical and fast paced nature of the game combine together so well

-Gun play feels very nice

-Optimization is not bad (Don't use anything but T-AA for your anti-alising or you'll lose like 25-40 frames even on FXAA or Off)

-Situations are a good way to get some renown (currency) to start out with and learn the game more

-Learning curve of the game is somewhat steep in a very good way

-Graphics are well balanced between having good visuals and not too pretty so there isn't many distracting visuals that take away from the competitive nature of the game

-The anti-cheat of the game is very good which bans many cheaters everyday and publicly announces the banned players name in the top left

-The DLC model is very good, although the yearly season passes aren't too convincing, you can still play newly added maps and still play the DLC operators included within the passes for free by just playing the game a lot if you don't want to pay the extra fee

-Even though there are loot boxes in the game which are called Alpha Packs, they are ONLY earned by playing the game from winning matches and or bought with ONLY renown and also purely cosmetic. Real money cannot be dropped here but the drop rates of higher rarities should be increased since sometimes you can get a lot of bad common items


I give Rainbow Six Siege a solid 9/10. The gameplay is great, variety of playstyles are good, and the competitive nature appeals to many players but if you just wanna kick back and relax there's a casual mode for those players.

Side note: Starter edition of this game is good for players who aren't gonna play too much and wanna just kick back with a few of their buddies or simply just can't afford the standard edition BUT be warned, Starter edition isn't good long term if you want to keep playing the game a lot since you only get 4 operators to start out with but every other non-dlc operator is very costly and can take approximately 15 hours to unlock one from only playing casual. Also to upgrade from starter, you have to buy ingame R6 credits to unlock every other non-dlc operator for almost $40 which the standard edition is $40 without discount but $20 with discount. I would recommend the standard over starter but if you just can't afford it and don't mind the very tedious grind and or want to play for a little bit then I would recommend starter.

Thanks for reading this review!
Publicada em 22 de novembro de 2017.
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0.3 horas registradas
Played the beta on Xbox and despised it, tried it on PC and its literally the same.. the STG still rapes people and kill times are horribly inconsistent, map design is atrocious, optimization is atrocious, the list goes on. Please for the love of god don't buy this game, this game is gonna put the nail in the coffin with the later on supply drops most likely being pay to win, politically correct multiplayer and balancement never being addressed just like Advanced Warfare... I also bet you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ anything that people will start being able to dab in ww2
Publicada em 29 de setembro de 2017. Última edição em 29 de setembro de 2017.
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162.7 horas registradas (20.4 horas no momento da análise)
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Now don't get me wrong, PUBG is a good game when it functions the way it's supposed to. BUT the game is so unstable, laggy, and poorly optimized to hell that basically puts a sour taste in my mouth whenever I try to play it. But I'll start off with the pros with this game.

+Lots of variety in the weapons and gear

+Amazing graphics if played on ultra (If you can even run it)

+Constantly being worked on having updates every week and monthly ones

+Good gunplay (But could be improved)

Now while the pros of this game are out of the way, let's start out the cons that bring this game down to where it can't even be enjoyable at all

-The optimization is a literal mess (I know this game is very early in early access but this game can bring a gtx 1080 to its knees from what I saw from an unlucky player)

-The server lag is constant and you skip all over the place at moments
-Shotguns are rediculously OP (They make lvl 2 and 3 vests look like a joke)

-The texture pop in when you land causes you to not being able to enter a building immediately cause you have to wait for it to load in and it also drops your frames to single digit

-Way too much camping (Shotguns make this even worse)

-This game caters to casuals way too much cause most guns dont really have too much recoil and needs to have more kick when fired in single mode (Camping and shotguns make this even more easy than it already is)

-Vehicles are WAY too OP when put up against another player who's shooting at it on foot (The vehicle hitbox is rediculously large and I still get ran over when I'm clearly out of the way)

Honestly, if you want this game go ahead and buy it and hopefully you have fun with it. Personally to me this game drives me to insanity more than any other online game that I've ever played from my experience and I almost refuse to play this game cause of its glaring issues which sucks since H1Z1 is a mess atm cause of the rising amount of chinese hackers since season 3 that are playing which makes me not even want to play that aswell.

I give PUBG a 5.5/10

I'll update my review on this game when the optimization, lag, and other issues get fixed.
Publicada em 12 de maio de 2017.
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36.3 horas registradas (28.9 horas no momento da análise)
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, a game ahead of its time that brought out amazing visuals, RPG elements, story, world, and great gameplay. Almost 5 years later after the Skyrim release in Novmeber 2011 came the release of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition. How does this remaster stack up against the original? And how much as it aged since? Well honestly the gameplay, graphics, and elements had aged very well in my opinion ever since the game first released. The Special Edition of Skyrim is a controversial remaster in the PC community when it first launched but people had misunderstood the purpose of this remaster when it came to the PC version.

The purpose:

-64 bit Engine

-Get rid of the Steam workshop mods since there wasn't much variety in the modding so the mods are downloaded ingame from the bethesda.net website which adds the ability to download bigger and better mods than those of the workshop ported ones

-Faster loading times (The load times are extremely fast not gonna lie. I play on my hard drive and it takes 2-3 seconds max to load into a building that I entered)

-The ability to alt tab without crashing the game (This was never fixed in the original)

-144hz support (I'm not sure if Bethesda has fixed the bugs that would happen when playing at a higher fps like 144fps but if they haven't then they're at least acknowledging it)

This is why the PC version of Special Edition has happend and has been given away for free to existing owners who had the original and all DLC since Bethesda wants the modding experience to be better for those who owned the game without forcing them to buy another copy.

Well with that out of the way here's the pros and cons of the remaster.

+ Better modding due to 64 bit engine
+ DX11
+ Beautiful water, sun godrays, depth of field effects, and better shadows (The shadows in the original cranked up to ultra looked like legos which looked laughably bad. The remaster fixes that)
+ Alt tab actually works

- The optimization isn't good in terms of performance, many people have problems with consistency and so do I.
- The textures are left untouched so the Skyrim character model's faces look rough and hair looks very stiff (Mods definitely fix this)
- Many bugs are left untouched and some are probably even game breaking (I recommend downloading the Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch which fixes the bugs that are present that the devs never fixed)

Now with the remaster purposes and pros and cons of it. What is good and bad about the actual game?


+ Very addicting and relaxing gameplay that is still very fun
+ Great story
+ DLCs are worth playing, my favorite being Dawnguard (Serana is pretty hot too as a companion not gonna lie)
+ Hundreds of hours of content available
+ Amazing RPG elements, the skill building has a lot of categories to invest skill points into
+ Amazing soundtrack (The Dragon boss theme is absolutely ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ amazing)
+ Many armor sets and weapons to collect
+ Many locations to explore like.. Dwarven ruins, abandoned mines, bandit camps, etc...
+ Many creatures to fight
+ So many side quests to complete
+ Decision making that impact the game
+ Finishers are so satisfying


- Many bugs that could result in game breaking
- The companion AI can be annoying sometimes. (Ex. Blocking a doorway to where you have to push them to get out)

Final Verdict:

Skyrim Special Edition is a must buy if you have NEVER played Skyrim before and want to experience it for the first time. If you don't have a good enough PC and have a Xbox One or PS4 and you want to play Skyrim? Then you're in luck since the console versions get to experience mods and close to max PC settings at 1080p 30fps. But be aware about the PS4 version since the modding is only based on files that already exists in the game and no new ones can be added (Dumb move by Sony with their policy). Skyrim is such an amazing game that makes me come back for more and relive my childhood when I played at launch when I was only 10 on my Xbox 360, I even thought about picking up the Xbox One version so I can chill on my couch and play Skyrim.

Remaster Improvements Over the Original: 8/10

The Overall Game: 10/10

Thanks for reading this review
Publicada em 31 de dezembro de 2016.
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6 pessoas acharam esta análise engraçada
4.8 horas registradas (0.7 horas no momento da análise)
So I'm reliving my childhood back in 2009 with Bioshock 2 Remastered since this is my all time favorite Bioshock game. But my first impressions are not strong at ALL with remastered. The fact that this is my first Bioshock game on PC it's a bad port. First of all the graphics options are extremely limited to where resolution, windowed mode, vsync, anti alising, and texture filtering are the only options. Second of all the game crashes. While playing for only 25min I crashed TWICE which should never happen within that amount of playtime. Lastly the graphics are a bit better which is noticeable but it isn't anything major. Like the biggest change is reflection quality which does look really good but everything else is barely any better. Honestly if you never played Bioshock 2 and want to play the remastered version, just wait for it to be fixed cause honestly it isn't worth the $20 (Good thing I received it for free). I know I'm complaining about a game I got for free which I should be thankful for it which I really am greatful for receiving it but I really wanted to address the issues with this barebones remaster.

Thanks for reading this review
(Bound to change review when this port gets fixed)
Publicada em 15 de setembro de 2016.
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0.8 horas registradas (0.6 horas no momento da análise)
One of the best Call Of Duties to date... MW2 is one of the most hyped and played Call Of Duty games to date for its great campaign and amazing multiplayer with an addition of its CO-OP mode called Special Ops

+Amazing campaign with unpredicted turn of events
+Multiplayer always keep you in the action
+Good variety of weapons with barely any underpowered weapons
+Special Ops is fun with your buddies
+Killstreaks always make the multiplayer interesting
+Great multiplayer maps
+Great voice acting
+Burger Town ;)

-The campaign is very short which is like 5-6 hours on normal. Veteran takea about at most 9 hours

My final verdict for MW2 is a 9.5/10

Thanks for reading this review!

WARNING: For windows 10 users the game will not startup after the first startup when you first play. The second startup and beyond will screw you over with a black screen and fixing it is a pain in the neck since the most common fix doesn't work, I experienced this problem but I know all of this info on the game from playing it back in the day on 360.
Publicada em 18 de abril de 2016.
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7.1 horas registradas (4.0 horas no momento da análise)
(Ignore the playtime I have on PC, came from 360 and XB1 versions)

Borderlands 2 has an amazing presentation to what you're going to experience with the amazing art style, gameplay, and loot drops. Here's the positives for Borderlands 2..

+Amazing presentation
+Filled with humor and it's very funny
+Gameplay is very fast paced and exciting
+Loot system is amazing featuring billions of randomly generated weapons
+The classes even without DLC is great!
+Neat art style
+Co-op will give you a blast with friends
+Lots of content
+Epic bosses including raid bosses
+Skill tree is very detailed
+Main villian is very funny
+DLCS are amazing especially the Tiny TIna's Assault On Dragon Keep DLC
+Very low end PC friendly for those who have budget PCs

-Absolutely NOTHING wrong with this game what so ever!

Would I recommend Borderlands 2? Hell yeah I would this game a MUST have.

My final verdict for Borderlands 2 is a 10/10

BONUS: For those who's afraid of not being able to run the game cause their PC is too weak. Fear not! A great youtuber who goes by the LowSpecGamer did a video on this game so you can get maximum performance.
Here's the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NxMJHvV9kmo

Enjoy!! :D
Publicada em 27 de março de 2016. Última edição em 27 de março de 2016.
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