Isabelle CHIMP Tribute
I stand, quivering, in a line of raggedy underfed overworked freak eyed gap toothed slack jawed factory slaves. We march mumbling slowly sloppy towards a gleaming marble counter, towards the front of the Cooper-Sanctioned grocery store, to receive this weeks measly rations of maggots and stale cheetos. The hum and drum of shuffling feet is all that can be heard, interjected by a loud, laboured cough here and there. desperate lungs filled with machined particulates heave and gasp begging for clean air. A gasp is heard towards the door, as soot caked ♥♥♥♥ smelling faces part to either side, diving into large piles to make way. A Cooper loyalist, clothed head to foot in the finest silken soft lavish garb, swaggers side to side. Clearly drunk, he makes no attempt to control his bladder. Glinty Gold coins spill from his pockets. On the television, the holy god king himself, Cooper Tassett Evelyn dances and spins, as the radio blares out of tune covers of 80s pop hits, Cooper himself is shrieking at the very top of his lungs.
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My Favoriye Thing
My favorite thing by cooper tasset evelyn.
My favorite thing isnt what youd expect. Id like to start by the clear statement of my tenuous mental state, and my proclivity towards hurting other boys when big cooper (who controls me) deems a show of my force necessary. The last time i flew off the handle i made a big mistake in leaving witnesses, and had to go to time out and think for a while about why hurting the neighbors cat so bad because he wouldnt let me pet him was the wrong thing for a little boy like me (6’4”) to do. In truth i had no intention to pet him at all. The meat is what i was truly after. A frightened animals meat tastest the bestest you see friends. A friendly animal who don't realize he will be eaten tastest tooooo sweet! Fear sours the meaty. I could have held that cat down all day n drooled all over the poor little guy! By the time i was preparin to do the deed (getting ready to finish the thing that i had set out to do, and was commanded to do by the big guy talks to me tells me what to do), I was caught by a horrified mrs. turblecker (owner of this little morsel). She damn near croaked seein the “foul and vicious look in his eyes, unlike any ive ever seen in the most vicious creatures on the face of the earth. A stare so blank and sinister the look alone nearly killed me” her testimony continues “the amount of blood covering the tangled pair of them (him and my dearest desmond III) was an ocean. I was even further mortified to discover the blood was somehow all his. A man doesnt have half that blood in the whole of his body, and yet somehow this boy sat in a pool of more blood than should come out of him, still spraying and leaking”. I dranked up all my blood back into me, sucking down gallons in seconds before she could really see the truth. I then gave her the sweetest looksie, playing my cute little boy card as I do so well the im a stupid idiot and didnt mean to steal red buff from you at the begining of the match when you needed it most oh im sorry i died 10 times before 10 minutes it truly was an accident that we lost the last 6 matches solely because of me truly I am sorry. Her cat sadly knew how to speak, and leaked the truthsie to her. Then she had to go and run to the cops before I could claw her back suck her up inside me and erase the whole headache once and for all. Cat didnt escape the next time though, i made sure sure sure like i always do no more mistakes from coopie! My favorite thing is metal gear solid 2.
Virus Installer 31 Thg01, 2021 @ 2:40pm 
-rep bubnar lol
Virus Installer 31 Thg01, 2021 @ 2:40pm 
UhhhhHhh 28 Thg01, 2021 @ 7:57pm 
always eatin checkin wth where you get it from
Jubil 4 Thg12, 2020 @ 5:27pm 
2q5dh 4s8vil
UhhhhHhh 24 Thg04, 2020 @ 2:15pm 
-rep scammed me again! maybe this time i may have been a bit at fault but he's still an idiot!
Mario Party 19 Thg04, 2020 @ 10:17am 
Programmed me to feel love. I miss my robot father