Myat Noe Thu
Mg Soe Gyi :)   Yangon, Myanmar
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我不是中國人 26 Dec, 2020 @ 9:03am 
Della 13 Nov, 2018 @ 9:31pm 
🥗 📒 🏓 🎫 🎈 🥞 🔋 🍇 🌂 📗
[ Calvin and Hobbes Quotes ] 💎
🎍 📘 🚕 👹 🎁 🐊 🎽 🌋 👔 🎁
Calvin: Can you make a living playing silly games? His Dad: Actually, you
can be among the most overpaid people on the planet.

If we don't all watch the same TV, what will keep our culture homogeneous?
-- Calvin

You know what we need, Hobbes? We need an attitude. Yeah, you can't be cool
if you don't have an attitude. -- Calvin
📗 🌂 📘 🚗 🎍 🚕 🌳 🍖 💎 😺
Hyuse 13 Jul, 2015 @ 9:54am 
bro if u know 123 with a dota2 ID of 168469426, pls tell him not to scam anymore. Thz. I was just scammed by him.
MOONSOON 20 Jul, 2014 @ 12:38pm