Nie podano informacji.
BⓞⓞBIES 22 lipca 2017 o 6:54 
BⓞⓞBIES 17 lipca 2017 o 17:05 
BⓞⓞBIES 16 lipca 2017 o 23:20 
I am 🌺Jem Sweater🌺 silly :) Unless your asking "who am I?" like my birth name, like the name on my drivers license? Or are you asking me spiritually "who I am?" Like what exactly makes me up? I guess that differs according to philosophy. My profile may give you some basic perspective to help define who I am to you. I suppose it's all relative.
Steigermann 16 lipca 2017 o 22:14 
Who is u Jem Sweater?
BⓞⓞBIES 16 lipca 2017 o 12:02 
"Pam Poovey has left the biulding" -----Drops mic------- Lets have a warm welcome for :journeyj::FreebieE3::justM:...:ranks::comicw::FreebieE3::icon::GoldenT::FreebieE3::rdlogo:
Steigermann 2 czerwca 2017 o 6:49 