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I honestly find it strange that out of all the reviews no one seems to understand the story which is very straightforward-- This is purgatory.

Honestly it's pretty good for a 10 ~ or so minute "LN ?",gets straight to the point with great art.Could it have been more ? Sure. Could there have been a soundtrack ? Sure. Could the clicking noises be removed to enhance the atmosphere ? Sure.

However for an experimental piece of art,like an OVA it does a tremendous job.Considering the price tag & that it has no expectations of the player,it's hard to be judged as a game,so I am judging it by artistic merit and yes it fits a niche quite nicely.
Publicada el 8 de octubre. Última edición: 8 de octubre.
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If you have played a Madmind game you know what to expect...mostly.

In terms of gameplay,it's simple which in my eyes is a plus.It's an endless loop (although there is another route.),you have rent to pay and making money isn't really a problem.Strangely enough for almost a year of development with a reused apartment & 3D models,same for most of the interactables.EVEN THE ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ CAT IS THE SAME AS IN PARANOID BRUV CMON,as an H-game it's very barebones.

In some areas this isn't a problem,for example having the same animation for showering,yoga,training etc.However when it comes to clientele and their H-scenes (albeit I only do the Domme route so dunno about the vanilla,although I doubt there is much difference.) there are 4 preset actions,with the same fixed camera angles,with the same animation (also as a domme being naked isn't a requirement,it's even somewhat of a detriment considering there are no actions which require you to be naked.) but then again I am writing this for a company that reused 90% of the assets and after a year of development it's well...this.Anyway back on point,even toys you buy online aren't usable and don't change any scene which is somewhat bewildering.The Online profile is a nice touch but not being able to customize is it a shame,especially if you are going for an endless playtrough.

As far as other elements go,it runs well-enough for a Madmind game.Visuals and atmosphere are a high point.Soundtrack could have been much better (Although blasting your own music isn't really a problem).

So overall after reading this,yes it's more of a mixed review but leaning towards recommended,if a few things get addressed and that is a big IF this could be a pretty fun game for ppl like me who are down bad (let's face it who else is gonna play.)

-More H-scenes with more actions/motions and a free-view camera
-Customizable online profile
-Clothed & Naked depending on the dom/sub route
-Backing out of actions (if you click the wrong thing by mistake you are screwed)

I could go on but it would be a miracle if even these get implemented,all in all for the price it's ok,albeit there are much better p0rn games out there for either a bit more or about the same price (if you know,you know.)
Publicada el 2 de octubre.
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16.9 h registradas (3.7 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Story 10/10

Even games without a story make me more invested than this one,just like Frey I couldn't give less of a ♥♥♥♥ about the world.True genius work here.

Optimization 0/10


Final Verdict: Frey easiest protagonist to resonate with,also fun game even if I am playing at 20 fps...uhhh if you like parkour and shooting a magical uzi buy during a sale.
Publicada el 21 de septiembre.
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3.7 h registradas
So the good first:
I love the artstyle,unique and consistent troughout,coupled with the camera angle and the set-pieces it's an interactive movie...and this is where it splits apart.If it were an FMV/Interactive WS then it would easily be a 9/10,however we are talking about a hack-n-slash...of sorts.

Gameplay: A bit off a mess,you have good combos yet you will rarely use more than 2 or 3,primarily stun + finisher to recover health.Enemy attacks are supposedly telegraphed but it's 50/50 if it will hit you or if yours will connect.Enemy variety is fine in terms of different attacks,I've seen some ppl have complaints about variety but I think its sufficient,the problem is rather the A.I. itself,fighting swordsmen and specters is balanced but Spearmen & Headbutters is just painful,forget comboing just create distance and shoot them (kind of strange for a Samurai game no ? ).In short balance sucks and those flashy moves aren't going to be used for 2 reasons,the first I've stated,so you might be thinking ok just play it on easy,however then enemies die in 1-3 hits making the combos yet again wasted.Movement is also clunky at times,or the enemy jumps 20 meters but just as you are about to hit.In terms of gameplay I'd go with a 3/10 not enjoyable,which is a shame considering the theme.And while on the subject of wasted potential....

Story: Cookie-cutter through and trough,the dubious voice acting doesn't help either.You have the typical oblivious goodie-two shoes protagonist,Sensei that dies instantly,Love interest that goes ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ nowhere and well I can't even call him an antagonist but the main "bad guy" of the story who is just P O W E R & G R E E D,however his presence is never strong enough to warrant any attention.This is basically the main story,Sensei dies,Then your love dies and then you go to Hell/Heaven,yet Hell/Heaven decides on some cosmic irony to send you back to kill the big bad or there won't be any balance to the universe...like some guy who to our knowledge has plundered 3 villages is the next Armaggedon or smth.So yea main story 0/10.

There are some moments after CH4 which as a player I enjoyed,its more of self-reflection and values on the part of the player which is hightened a lot by the visuals,now that part if that was the main story I would have considered this as a pretty good niche game,as it stands now it's a rough gem that is visually appealing and separates itself from most titles that go for hyper realism or just goofy trash.

結論として: Artstyle & Visuals are worth the buy if it's on a very steep discount,if you are looking for combat or a good story you won't find it here.
Publicada el 14 de mayo.
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11.9 h registradas (9.1 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Breaks down more than a Moskvich - Stutter,Lag,Pop-ins,Softlocks,Jank,Crashes ( A TON),Bugs you name it Exodus has it.

Also since when did Metro a game yk set in the metros & tunnels go into the desert ??? Is this Mad Max ? Not to mention it is the most poorly optimized level thus far.Don't get me wrong up until that point there were still a lot of problems,both fundamental & ones that can be overlooked but it was still enjoyable,now I am just trying to progress out of spite...Overall major dissapointment.
Publicada el 25 de abril.
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16.3 h registradas (7.4 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Claymore but Teresa isn't here & the camera is your biggest enemy
Publicada el 21 de abril.
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9.6 h registradas
Well this is a hard one.As a big fan of GR1 I was hoping for more of the same and while there is some of that here especially in the early levels overall it is mostly its own game for better and worse.I debate whether I like it enough to recommend it so this is more of a mixed review...and probably my last GR game.

Movement and it's fluidity here are lacking,not that there weren't bugs or clipping in GR1 but they are much more prevalent here,and you are sacrificing speed due to enemies now using iframes,go too fast and watch an enemy do a 180 turn,the trade off is the block which I would be fine with were it not for the speed penalty.However the bigger issue is the level design itself,they went for bigger is better but here it doesn't work in their favour,the bike is kinda fun but very janky with 0 weight or sense of speed,you are either too fast or too slow,that and being stuck on terrain constantly.

Fighting is ok,I didn't find it that different from GR1 in terms of getting used to it at least,it's reliable although there are much less enemies due to the devs wanting you to "explore".Boss fights in both games are just terrible.

Story & Dialogue were mostly fine,there were some good moments and then there was the final boss which is just who wrote this s***,there was a chance for a better story and dialogue system with more involvement but its missed,also yea Kira is annoying af.

With all that being said GR1 had a natural flow that GR2 hasn't or at least it doesn't really feel cyberpunk,in terms of atmosphere specifically,Dharma is great but the outside world was clearly not ready and with the way the story ended if GR3 will be Open-World with more filler and woke characters then I will have to pass.

As for this one,it's good enough to playtrough if you enjoy adrenaline-fueled fights but GR1 is superior.Get it on discount,a steep one.
Publicada el 6 de abril.
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4.0 h registradas
Anger permeates, it's not our idiosyncrasies
Which leave us ill, I wish to build
Yet it seems all I touch dies, endless drone of sighs
To convince this world we exist, loveless bliss
Content just to be spent at night's end
Fish for your reasons in the sea of ignorance
As if in trance, succumb to an ageless waltz of thought
Why were we brought together only to fall apart?
Publicada el 4 de abril.
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1.9 h registradas
The Boredom Protocol™
Publicada el 4 de abril.
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13.7 h registradas (5.7 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Publicada el 16 de marzo.
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