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Space Engineers

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Showing 1-9 of 9 entries
Koleop - Ground and air vehicles
Collection by Mad-Catcher
Koleop is a company divided into two main groups, Koleop'Terre and Koleopt'Air, developing and producing respectively ground and air/space vehicles. Prefixes: PA: Personal aircraft C: crane E: explorer HR: hydrogen racer CA: Common aircraft AL: airliner PR
P0-Stapo - Heavy Transport Industry
Collection by Mad-Catcher
P0-Stapo is a non-affiliated transport industry founded after the third great desertification (GD3), producing transport vehicles and materials.
Asphalt vacuums
Collection by Mad-Catcher
Collection of hydrogen race cars I built for the fun to drive low profile cars on race tracks at high speed. Also race tracks included in the collection.
Race track parts
Collection by Mad-Catcher
Here is a numerous amount of track parts I built for fun, highly inspired from the game Trackmania What to do with these? To build race tracks on planets quickly. Why in multiple workshop contents instead of a unique one? To avoid long loading times and fr
Gaulbio | Hover vehicles company
Collection by Mad-Catcher
The company Automobile company launched after the fifth technological revolution of the third millenium. It develops, builds and sells small flying vehicles for civilian usage. It produces also wheeled vehicles for occasional events. Events: 400th and 500t
Remote Minitonks
Collection by Mad-Catcher
Slow small weaponized remote rovers dedicated to multiplayer battles on flat steel arenas. 'want to contribute? Gimme a link of your blueprint that I can add it to this collection after all requirements are checked! Rovers: Wheeled rotors: 1x1 or 3x3 Suspe
Collection by Mad-Catcher
The CIAIC is an armament company which designs and produces military vehicles in destination of various worlds.
Off roadsters
Collection by Mad-Catcher
Vroap Vroap vrooooooooaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAASCREEEEEEEEECLANG A serie of vehicles inspired from the game Fuel, with quads, monster trucks, cars and others. May will i reproduce some of Fuel cars, 'cause some of them are very cool. WARNING: Require good skills t
Crimson Skies - Planes
Collection by Mad-Catcher
FR Description: Crimson Skies est un univers uchronique orienté diesel-punk se déroulant dans les années 30 où les zeppelins deviennent le moyen de transport le plus utilisé en proie aux éventuels gangs de pirates de l'air en quète de richesses et d'autres
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