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Recent reviews by TheMadHadder

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28.4 hrs on record
Great Dad game! Story is quaint, but the characters are fun to follow and hear from! Everything runs on ice physics, but you are in space, so its space ice and its normal.

7/10 would quit my job and run my own Space Trucking business if I had the chance.
Posted 7 December, 2024.
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1 person found this review helpful
487.6 hrs on record (181.5 hrs at review time)
Sony has reversed their decision to kill this game thanks to all the gamers in this community coming together to fight corporate anti-gamer agendas. This is truly an amazing feet! No other game has a community this passionate about a game, and that can only happen from a truly amazing game!!!!

Now that freedom has been restored, I can once again fully recommend this game to anyone who wants to give it a try! The developers are great and trying their best, the gameplay is out of this world, and its an actual live service game that doesn't feel half empty and slow to update!

Oh and ♥♥♥♥ SONY!!!
Posted 4 May, 2024. Last edited 5 May, 2024.
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6.4 hrs on record
Ok so I have not gotten all that far into this game, but its been a hard 6 hours of really trying to see why this game is good. Like I was having a little fun with the concept, but I am just bored with it. Building my base is boring, making another terraforming thing doesn't feel worth it, it takes forever to get anywhere even with a jetpack, and I feel like I am not finding anything truly worth while when I do explore.

Here are the good things I have to say so far:

1. The world is fairly big, and there are areas to explore. They have interesting effects. No idea what they do, but cool.
2. The base building is modular enough to let you build something interesting looking. Reminded me of Subnautica's base building almost.
3. The idea that you have to scale your terraforming operation to unlock better buildings is cool idea. gives you clear goals to work towards.

Now to the problems with this game. For starters, exploration feels almost pointless. There are tons of wrecks to explore, except that most chests only contain items you could reasonably expect to get in the wilderness + some basics like fabric and seeds. But you never really find anything super cool besides some resources that are a little annoying to make/find. The problem is once you realize this, no chest feels rewarding. Even the golden chests just mean a golden seed, which after 3 is like "oh yay another seed". After my 3rd wreck, I only looked for blueprint chips and nothing else.

Now the base building: Its terrible. It tries to implement a modular system like Subnautica, but nothing snaps the way I want it to. I searched everywhere for like a hallway piece or other cooler building pieces, but all I get are pieces that barely fit together! Then I unlock the biodome and I was like "Oh cool a place to build O2 things! Now my V3 vegetubes don't have to be outside!" . . . NOPE they don't fit! So I shouldn't build a greenhouse in the building made to be a greenhouse. Thanks game! Well I'll at least make a little platform to build them o- THEY DON'T GO ON FOUNDATIONS!?!? So they just go on the ground? Where I can't make them all in a line and look neat? WHY!?

There are no doors either, so rooms are just weirdly open? And when you try to fit things in as close together in a room to fill it with like heat generators, there is too much wiggle room and you end up with some weird gaps that make fitting a grid nearly impossible without someone just telling you "fit a corner so its on this pixel" and that's just lame. Overall everything I build looked bad, and the time and precision it would take to make anything worth wild is just too tedious for me. That and the fact that many things just don't snap or fit the way you would expect just makes everything feel like they weren't designed with the other pieces in mind like at all! Just a bunch of "We need an X piece and a Y piece and a place for Z" but without asking how they all fit together in any meaningful or exciting way!

But you know what, I can forgive games in early access. I am sure the community will provide good feedback and QoL changes will be made. . . What's that? This game hit 1.0? But there are literally massive empty areas! There are wrecks with no point! There a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ SPELLING MISTAKES in the logs! Was there no quality pass on this? The only way anyone could have fun with this game is either they REALLY like space and terraforming games OR they play with friends. If you have literally any other crafting base building on your wishlist, go with that instead. This game honestly feels like someone's passion project that they stopped wanting to work on so they just said "Its done" so they could move on and no longer care about making anything actually good.

3/10 - Just go play Subnuatica/Grounded/Satisfactory for your building itch, or like play Terraforming Mars if you want to change a planet. Needs another 2 years of polish and refinement.

Also if this game just like unlocks at the 8 hour mark and I just needed to get to X point, whelp then maybe you should make the beginning not suck so more players reach it. Because I stopped having fun at the 4 hour mark and gave it 2 more hours, and all it did was make me more mad.
Posted 24 April, 2024.
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