50% of people are bad 50% become bad
My name Artour Babaev. Sorry bad englandsky. I grow up in small farm to have make potatos. Father say "Arthour, potato harvest is bad. Need you to have play professional DOTO2 in Amerikanski for make money for head-scarf for babushka." I bring honor to komrade and babushka
Here are my 10 rules of success in Dota 2
It is a short tutorial. Formal letter of mine, which can serve you as an aid

- generally, most of the games are based on disabling foes. It includes stun and to some extent silence. I remember having a game where we were fighting without carry only supports and roams and we managed to finish within 30 mins, due to huge stun. Bear in mind when the enemy is stunned basically they can not do anything, that is the secret point. If you make an ambush , the hostile heroes will not even have an opportunity to activate bkb.

-I hope you are aware
that not kills win your game, its actually taking down towers thus approaching the ancient (main goal. You may have a strong team and prevail in team fights, but after that it would be pointless because you could not be able to push fast enough. For instance team with powerful pushers ought need 2 attacks to win, but you will need 6 ( that is just a model). Split pushing is of considerable importance. While you are fighting on mid 4 vs 5 , distracting the enemy, your pusher would take an advantage and destroy the barracks on bot lane. One team might have bigger net worth, farm and score like 50:23 and again lose, because of poor pushing....examples as many as you want.

- does not matter whether you support or not you need vision and do not spam to the support who has 100 gold to ward when you have 3000 gold. How would one boxer prefer fighting, with closed eyes or with opened? Warding provides you map control , information and conversance where the enemy is, prevent so many deaths, besides gives you favourable conditions for gangs.

- do not judge a player by its score. He/she could be very useful in team fight without having many kills or perhaps he/she is well farmed. Similarly, do not draw conclusions for 1 player by beholding solely 1 game of he/she...that means absolutely nothing, everyone has bad days.

- This is the basic yet in fact, there are surprisingly plenty of people lacking that basic knowledge. You could be called good player only if you are familiar with every hero in the game, their abilities and the same comes for items, what they do and how could they help you in any situation. You must know how to be more helpful for your teammates as well countering the enemies. It is strategy game after all

- My massive experience tells me that there is no sense arguing with incompetent players whose words varies within "♥♥♥♥ your mother", "kid uninstall dota" , " mid or feed". Disputing with them is preposterous, inasmuch as they are going to be right every time, thereby you lose valuable farm while chatting with rustic players. They provoke you, so do not fall on their level of intelligence. Typing cursing and vulgar words will only embitter them and that will take effect on their gameplay.

- Not by accident all competitor players have microphones. You are a team, its team game, you should discuss every plan of yours together. You have to get on with all your teammates. Try to give the new players pieces of advice, recommend builds, strategy, encourage them, do not try to flame or proving how bad they are indeed, it will not make them better, infuriated they will play worse.

- defence is the best attack.if you see that you are losing the game, stop attacking aggressively and wait for the enemy by defending and staying nearby towers. In this situation, you ought to take f farm in the jungle because in the lane the fed enemy could kill you ( in that case learn to camp stack it is really beneficial). While defending stay all together and attack as a team. Wait as long as 1 enemy separates from his friends and slay him, thereafter immediately rapid PUSH. The last mentioned reminds us to rule number 2

- After every lost match, take a look at your replays and learn where you could improve your skills. Do not be overweening, your team may have been bad, but I assure you that every your game you could have done something more. So analyze your games. Another efficient advice is watching professional players because self-educating is not sufficiently.

- Exactly as in life, everything should have limits. Nothing too small and nothing too big is good ( sex jokes aside). If you have too big HP pool, perhaps your mana is small, whether you have tremendous damage, possibly your attack speed is low or if you are farming too much in the jungle than you should go and help in team fights and the opposite...that are just examples, I reckon you got the drift. Furthermore, team composition is enormously important (on the left of the minimap when you are picking a hero). Sometimes the game is determined by hero selection. I stated that disable and pusher have significant contribution, but other roles should not be neglected since you jeopardize the whole game.

Of course, Dota 2 is a relative game and everything is situational, but that 10 things apply to a large amount of the games.

KARAESKİ 7 月 31 日 上午 9:47 
idiot carry farm 50 minute
Святой 5 月 4 日 上午 12:27 
хуйло ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ донное
Be nice i'm a little Princess * 4 月 28 日 下午 12:09 
worst fkg trash sht mtf troll ever + rep for greffing
Moogugul 2021 年 5 月 23 日 上午 8:38 
sup bro, lets play together, send me a friend request pls
Buswyn 2021 年 2 月 25 日 上午 3:02 
hi, can you send me friend request? i cant add you, idk why
Mazal 2019 年 7 月 6 日 上午 12:26 
add me we need to discuss something about our last match