Xenon Fenris 13 NOV a las 11:28 
@Makooti, The Bionic Furry
Ty Been running it on and off a good while now, and its lots of fun
Makooti, The Bionic Furry 13 NOV a las 10:19 
Love the KRSV+melee cancel build!
ロクゴー 20 SEP a las 14:01 
Mr.Gunman 30 AGO a las 13:49 
"AI-controlled AC. Always the same."
Aaron 22 AGO a las 18:41 
Nice AC build
Mr.3 23 ABR a las 19:19 
good fight man, liked your design
Farron 5 FEB a las 22:17 
I love your AC designs man! Would love to play some casuals with you some time! Sorry about the Missile Lammerkite - ranked is all or nothing. Would love to show off my more creative stuff some time though! Great fights
kuipper 31 ENE a las 12:10 
nice fight had my hands shaking