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Опубликовано: 9 фев. 2021 г. в 14:26

So gorgeous. Please give us Coop-mode.
Был ли этот обзор полезен? Да Нет Забавный Наградить
Комментариев: 5
BBCgoth 16 фев. 2021 г. в 5:23 
i only heard about possible coop since 2017 so i suppose the devs/shills just lied to you guys
President Koopa 15 фев. 2021 г. в 13:23 
Won't be getting serious co op support, ever. RT Worlds spent that money and moved on. Not that Subnautica is bad, mind you, it's lovely. Would love some not-ass co-op tho.
Sakeskiller 14 фев. 2021 г. в 4:00 
There is one, just look it up on youtube how to do it. But I'm warning you, its buggy as hell and is going to annoy the crap out of you.
Ziggy 13 фев. 2021 г. в 4:45 
a mod not the game itself
Fat Myers 11 фев. 2021 г. в 11:08 
there's a multiplayer mod